Mower Humor


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
All you are going to learn from that video is how to sucker ignorant idiots into making money for you .
There is a reason why I very rarely put a link to a video onto this forum & that video demonstrates it.
He started out with a BS claim then set out to prove the BS claim was BS and in doing so confused those who do not understand the fundamentials of combustion theory .
BS "a lot of people claim it will strip the oil off the cylinder " Really ? On a 4 stroke ?
Strip the oil off the walls that are being continually replenished with the splash from the sump.
Any one what to explain how that will happen ?
What is did do was to dilute that oil which was what he wiped off the head & bore but that got dismissed.
He made a great deal about checking the compression but did nothing to bypass the ACR which is built into the cam on side valves .
Weather the drill cranking was fast enough to combat it or not I have no idea,'However he made no effort to tell any one what starting fluid he was using
Plain old either that most places sell or special formula for petrol engines ?
I find it difficult to believe that a carburettor engine would run on either in the fuel tank as the jetting will be all wrong
The thermometer was a good ruse as either burns a lot colder than petrol does so will not generate as much heat as petrol will, which is probably why the thinned down oil did not burn in the cylinder , so it showed nothing other than the monkey can aim a gun & pull the trigger .

So either he knows the whole thing was BS and did so deliberately in order to get a lot of views , fan contraversity & make a lot of money
OR he is a 1/2 wit .
In any case I know Darwin was mostly right and if the mentally deficient want to believe that trash then it is their engine that can ( NOTE CAN ) suffer the consequences , not mine or those of my customers .


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Well all my employees demanded pay raises or they was going have a sit down strike. I gave them their sitting down papers and hire this crew that work for chicken feed.

Here they are inspecting a JD ZTR.
