Recent content by bret

  1. B


    From watching the weather looks like I will need to dust off the snow blower for one last time this weekend. I thought it was over, but apparently I am wrong.
  2. B

    Spring Tune up

    My mower has been running for a few days and now it is skipping, any idea why? Would my gas be old? Can I put some type of additive in it to clean it?
  3. B

    Venting a greenhouse?

    What are some good ways to vent a greenhouse? I was talking to someone and they told me that with the heat in there and the fans for the summer, it needs to be vented. Can I just gut a couple of raised panels that lift open?
  4. B

    Props to you folks

    I was out tinkering in the garage yesterday with my mower and it hit me, last Spring I wouldn't have had the confidence to do it myself. Thanks, this forum is what gave me the confidence to do it myself!
  5. B

    Got my seeds started

    I got the seeds in my greenhouse all started and sprouting. I am happy I got that greenhouse last year, I just hope it turns out to be a worthy investment.
  6. B

    From my family to yours

    I am wishing, from my family to yours a very happy 2011 and many good days ahead filled with prosperity and great times. Whether you do resolutions or not, here's to those coming to fruition as well.
  7. B

    Solar Power for a house

    How practical is this? I know of a couple who have this huge beautiful house way in the woods which runs on a solar panel and a huge generator. It was factored into the cost of the house when they built it, how practical do you think this is?
  8. B


    What do you think of your neighbors? Are they good, bad, do you speak, fight. I have 2 that I am uncertain about, one seems too particular for our area and the other really keeps to himself.
  9. B

    Winter Tinkering

    Is it wise to still tinker with your engines and stuff over the winter? I was told it may not be a good idea to do it over the winter, something about the cold, is this true?
  10. B

    Planning for Spring

    I have a rocky patch of land in the corner of my back yard, I am looking for grass that will grow anywhere because I do not want to have lots of topsoil trucked in, any suggestions?
  11. B

    Used Snowblower

    I have a chance to buy a used snowblower for $500, it is a Honda, 4 stroke that has been overhauled and rebuilt, is that a good price?
  12. B

    Battening down a greenhouse

    Is there anything specific I need to do to batten down my greenhouse or just let it go and hope for the best? It is one of those greenhouse kits.
  13. B

    Going rate?

    What is the going rate for plowing? I have an average driveway and we are looking into a service but I do not want to pay too much, but don't want to underpay and get poor service either.
  14. B

    Emergency Preparedness kit

    I found this while surfing online, it says you should have enough stuff for 72 hrs in any emergency or storm like situation. I hope this helps anyone who may need it. Basic 72 hours Emergency Preparedness Kit: Water (at least 2 litres per day per person and small bottles that can be easily...
  15. B


    What are some good strategies for pacing yourself when you have to shovel a large amount? I always want to just get it done, but I usually pay for days for doing so.