Driving at night


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
I feel like ranting about something stupid for a minute, so don't mind me, lol.

Now that it's winter, I've been finding myself driving at night a lot more often.... And getting blinded by a**holes who forget how to turn their brights off.

My eyes are sensitive to light, so to me it's bad enough passing someone with low beams on. But when I'm passing someone with badly adjusted lights or with their high beams on......


That's my rant of the day :)

de dee

Active Member
Sep 26, 2012
I feel like ranting about something stupid for a minute, so don't mind me, lol.

Now that it's winter, I've been finding myself driving at night a lot more often.... And getting blinded by a**holes who forget how to turn their brights off.

My eyes are sensitive to light, so to me it's bad enough passing someone with low beams on. But when I'm passing someone with badly adjusted lights or with their high beams on......


That's my rant of the day :)

have you tried night driving glasses ,. some do work,.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I feel like ranting about something stupid for a minute, so don't mind me, lol.

Now that it's winter, I've been finding myself driving at night a lot more often.... And getting blinded by a**holes who forget how to turn their brights off.

My eyes are sensitive to light, so to me it's bad enough passing someone with low beams on. But when I'm passing someone with badly adjusted lights or with their high beams on......


That's my rant of the day :)

You are not alone.
I ride vintage motorcycles and while they do not have brilliant headlights they are most times adequate.
Then some brainless selfish clueless idiot moron Bas? come up from behind, switches on his ultra bright 120W high beams + driving lights so while I am not blinded by oncoming lights I am riding in the total darkness of my own shadow and there is so much silly light my eyes adjust to their scrap light and my headlamp totally disappears. SO I just pull over & let the menstrual clots go past.
Every now & then they also stop thinking I am in trouble and when I ask the to go away so I can see the road again they generally get abusive and speed off in a blaze of light.
Only once did some one actually query why I had to stop so I put them on the bike with the lights on then their daughter turned the car lights on. She actually thanked me admitting that they turned up the lights so they could have a good look at the old bike.

An ex housemate who was a country boy got so sick of these idiots he put a really long tounge on his tow bar with a gun hook on the end in place of the ball.
So when some idiot comes up from behind blinding him he speed up a bit then slipped the foot of the gas and pulled on the hand brake,
He probably got rear ended 15 to 20 times then he insisted on calling the police so the idiot got a $ 600 neg driving fine, looses 4 points and has several thousand dollars of damage to the front of his car.
Often they had to get a recovery team to seperate the two vehicles and of course Mr Moron has to get Mrs Moron to come & pick him up while his car goes off to the shop.
the really funny one was getting rear ended by a senior barrister ( lawers to some ). he naturally took Mark to court and lost the case , then bumped it up to a higher court & lost again unable to accept his own moronic stupidity he took it to the highest state court, got a dressing down from the pannel of judges who refferred the matter back to the driving authorities with a recommendation that his licence get revoked forcing him to go all the way back to Learners plates so his now repaired Masaritti would have to stay in the garage for another 3 years


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
I feel like ranting about something stupid for a minute, so don't mind me, lol.

Now that it's winter, I've been finding myself driving at night a lot more often.... And getting blinded by a**holes who forget how to turn their brights off.

My eyes are sensitive to light, so to me it's bad enough passing someone with low beams on. But when I'm passing someone with badly adjusted lights or with their high beams on......


That's my rant of the day :)

Is this going to a rant On.gif rant off.gif thread. I do know where your coming from though, I have the same problem at driving at night, my eyes are sensitive to the car lights. Since the Yankees are down here now driving isn't safe even during daylight hours.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
have you tried night driving glasses ,. some do work,.

No I haven't but I've considered them.

Another thing that I have noticed is that some fog lights (usually Jeeps) are so ****ing bright that I easily mistaken them for high beams, when they're not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2014
I have spent the bulk of my career driving ridiculous distances. Not so much any longer, but the memories of hundreds of thousands of miles still persist.

I drove at night probably 50 percent of the time. When I was younger, it did not bother me much. Now, it does. And, there seems to be a lot more people that just do not dim their brights when approaching. Others (I assume because of the poor economy and lack of maintenance) have one or two headlamps horribly misaligned, so that they shine right in your eyes regardless of high or low beam setting.

Over the decades, I've seen it all. I remember once driving through Atlanta around 3:00 AM to avoid heavy traffic, and some ignoramus stopped dead in front of me on I-75 to take a good look at the highway signs. I swerved to avoid him/her and a truck behind me was unable to do so and hit the car. That's just one example of the horrific driving I have witnessed over the years. Failure to dim high beam headlights is just the icing on the cake for me.

When gas hit $3.50 a gallon, I gave up on driving long distances and let the airlines ferry me around. Now that gas is back down, I may start road-warrior trips again.


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2013
Yea, I am sensitive to lights also. But, the higher you are the better (pick-up truck)

I remember when I had my Ranger with HID 6000K that were not aimed well. A lot of persons flashed me there high-beems thinking I was on the high-beems.

Since I have a new truck with an ARB guard I feel very tempted to push around the bad drivers. It would just be fun to ram the ones that have no idea how to drive. I always refrain from doing so.


Lawn Addict
Aug 28, 2010
It's a difficult task attempting to fix the stupid and arrogant people, but we can sometimes help our vision by keeping the interior of our windshields clean of a film known as vinyl off gassing. I've found water, the universal solvent, works about as well as anything.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
It's a difficult task attempting to fix the stupid and arrogant people, but we can sometimes help our vision by keeping the interior of our windshields clean of a film known as vinyl off gassing. I've found water, the universal solvent, works about as well as anything.

I keep my windshield pretty clean.

I often clean the interior with a rag and Windex, and the exterior I tend to overuse my car's pisser fluid.


, , 1,000 Post Club
Apr 7, 2011
If there are two things that irritate me most about driving at night, it is people with blown headlamps and high beams.

I can sort of forgive the former as it is possible (although unlikely) that the bulb blew whilst driving and the driver is therefore either unaware or unable to do anything - but to not dip your lights is just pure idiocy.

People don't seem to realise that driving is a privilege, not a right. There are enough accidents on the roads at this time of year without bad drivers making matters worse.