Valve clearance


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
It is a freely provided file but it is copyrighted by Briggs therefore it is provided in its original form. I only provide the edited version to my fellow techs on PPETEN. Over 10% of that file has been edited which it is no longer a copy righted file.

I normally only leave these files up for about three days and then I delete them. But on G drive I have about 38 different Briggs service manuals plus crankshaft specs and service bulletins which I provide for my fellow service techs over on PPETEN forum. I did recently had to reset the Briggs manuals section due violation of the secure links. I was getting several requests for access via old links but most of those files has been since 2009. I still have not found who released the links but that problem has been resolved now as if it happens again I will take the files private.

Now I have a lot of other service manuals stored on the G drive too that I do not allow access to. Actually I got nearly 9 gigs of compressed files over there now. The One Drive also has a lot of the Craftsman 944 series IPLs which I only provide access via the PPETEN forum.

Here is a list my directory.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Freakin' file addict LOL. :p
Service manuals, spec sheets and in particular dealer updates are just as much a tool of the trade as a spanner or screwdriver
When I kicked off it was 80% research time & 20 % hands on time
Now it is about 40:60
Checking first is a lot easier on the wallet than breaking & replacing at your own cost or even just doing the job twice
I keep my service files on two backed up hard drives plus on an old lap top down in the workshop
Currently the folder is 25 Gb for 6,000 files and I add about 10 or so a week .
You need them because things always come in that are wrong, like rcol0000's thread with the B & S twin with a throttle link spring fitted from a couple of days back that should not have been there in the first place .
Because of the floods I now run all of the computers off an external portable hard drives with SSD if possible thus the computers original disc has nothing on it but the base operating system, in a stand alone partition & another partition for the data files which is a mirror of the documents directory on the portable drives.

Star uses the cloud but I have an adversion to trusting any third party like Google or Microsloth or Amazon ( they are becoming the largest supplier of cloud capacity ) to look after my data that I have spent 10 years accumulating ned to make my living .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Freakin' file addict LOL. :p
Not really just operating a business and it saves time and money by having to download the free ones and save money not having to repurchase the paid for ones. Plus hav ing backup on G and One drives just of a hard drive crash with I multiple of them to fail since 1982.

I sorta like my AutoManager software wasn't initially design to handle all the SKUs (part numbers) I got loaded. Over 950K items.
But as Bert I don't really like storing my stuff off site but I do as backup of my local stuff. As there is always a chance of losing things locally. As computer tech I know it is just a matter of time before something fails and I have learned my lesson as before Google Drive I had a 99.9% completed software that I was creating to get lost because of a drive failure. That was three years of work down the drain.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
One of the nice things about using Macs is all OS after 10.1 came with automatic back up ( Time Machine ) and inbuilt Raid so you can set up automatic mirrors
SO the internal disc becomes the time machine back up or in my case a second internal hard drive and then a mirror external drive
On OS 9 I had a 4 way mirror using 3 external drives , two of which were never plugged in so when I swapped them over the Raid recognised they were not the same and updated the one that had not been connected to be the same as the internal drive .
Worked a treat when a service provider sent a malwear app down the wire to corrupt the hard drive,
I mirrored it then backed up to an earlier back up & then carried on with a new ISP .
When things go nasty I told them I had a copy of the corrupted drive and a copy of the drive before they sent their malwear down the wire so they backed off & offerred me compensation.