Saw pictures of people lined up.


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
Its the front porch section. It is for the stuff that is un-related to equipment, mowers, etc.

I know this.
Was being funny to break it up a little


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
I used to kid around about installing a 50mm on my car/truck for those really stupid drivers :cool:
I know this.
Was being funny to break it up a little


Lawn Addict
Jan 3, 2013
I have come to the conclusion that if you believe something then no evidence is necessary. If you don't believe something then no evidence is sufficient.

Truth to an individual is only what you believe, regardless of what the truth really is.

There in lies the problems of America today.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
Look... here's the deal with you and a few others here. You're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong regardless of whether you have any facts to back up you claims and conspiracy theories.
And you don't even listen. Nowhere did I defend Nagin or the NOPD. I have said twice now that they are corrupt and out of control and that was a good example. What happened in NOLA was an isolated event... by local authorities. No way to spin that as being a federal plan to take your guns away. That just dont fly... shouldn't even have to point that out. Cops out of control... happens all the time. Happened in Oakland and NYC a while back with those Occupy protesters.
That didn't bother you though because they're on the other side right? Didn't bother you when those cops beat that mentally ill kid to death?
It didn't bother you when Bush set up "free speech zones" did it? Civil and Constitutional rights only apply to conservatives :rolleyes: I've heard that Obama has done it too and I can tell you it pisses me off. There shouldn't be any free speech "zones" in America. The whole country is supposed to be a free speech zone.
Hint: you're the one saying the sky isn't blue... not me. I stay based in reality. When you have anything more than paranoia and an extreme dislike of Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, come back and we'll talk. Because right now nobody in this thread has anything but theories, wild speculation and fear that we're on the brink of a communist dictatorship.
Who the hell do you think you are putting words in my mouth? I was completely and unequivocally against "the patriot act" et all, that seem to be the driving force in letting a sitting president do whatever the hell he wants. And Bush wasn't even my candidate. But I would have voted for him a thousand times over the likes of Obama and his cohorts. These "isolated events" will getting more and more numerous as long as Obama remains in office, because his office will NEVER admit to anybody denying rights to citizens in this way. You want facts, here are FACTS.

Obama is vehemently anti-gun and has always been. His voting record doesn't lie.

He has appointed 2 vehemently anti-gun Supreme Court Justices, making us one justice away from re-visiting the "individual right" victory of the Second Amendment. Sotomayor has signed an opinion claiming there "is no individual right to private self-defense, which proves her inability to even interpret the Constitution. I won't bother to list the federal judges.

Obama pays lip-service to "protecting the Second Amendment" while telling Sarah Brady "we are working on gun-control, but under the radar."

The Obama administration oversaw the sale of guns to Mexican drug gangs in its Fast & Furious program to bolster statistics of guns crossing over to the border to these very drug gangs, in hopes that this would provide further outrage, and increase calls for gun-control.

Obama seriously wants the assault weapon ban back on the books and said Bush erred by not doing it. In fact his own ineptitude is showing, as Bush would have signed it (jackass) if it would have made it to his desk. There were not enough votes in Congress for a re-entry of a law that made absolutely no sense, and didn't work the first time.

This is just a few of the things that have happened on Obama's watch. Important, because I have stated that in order to sell socialism to the American public, you must first dis-arm them. That way there can be no serious revolution if the public is a bit smarter than you initially thought. Like it or not, generally, more liberals mean more taxes, and more taking out of one pocket to put in another, likely one that is too lazy to fend for themselves. More conservatives means more liberties, cutting taxes, and giving companies more of their own money with which to hire more people and grow the economy. When you have anything more than a yearning to bow down at Obama's feet and kiss his ring, during those times you actually come down from Utopia, we'll talk.:rolleyes:


Lawn Addict
Jan 3, 2013
Yes sir, in every state... whether it's a project by local, state, or federal government.

I do read a lot jekjr... more than is probably good for me. I don't ave much faith in government whether it's local or federal. I just don't see what you see. I haven't seen any stories on confiscation. That's NRA and other organizations fear tactics. The NRA used to be a good, legitimate organization. Now its just another lobbyist group.
The US government is not planning to confiscate weapons and declare martial law and become a totalitarian dictatorship.
Not because they are afraid of armed citizens. They could crush that easily. There's just no point in it. And I doubt that anyone who is capable of setting that in motion even has an interest in doing it.
Let me ask you a question. What do you see happening that makes you think this is coming? What do you read that makes you think it's coming?

Since you read a lot, read up on all of this and the hundreds more executive orders that this president has signed in the last two years. In fact I saw a columnist in a small town paper that I read last night that stated he has now enacted more executive orders than all of the other presidents put together from G. Bush Jr back to George Washington already.

Read up on some of these and tell me why else they would need to be written. executive order #10995--allows the government to seize and control the communication media----# 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals--- # 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms---#11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision---#11001 allows the government to take over all health, education, and welfare functions........

Since I am apparently so ignorant please explain to me why we would need these orders. Oh I am sure they are for MY protection right. Of course while they have taken the guns of law abiding citizens up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Okay... happy to oblige :) Executive orders are government records... recorded and numbered. Obama's first executive order was 13489. Obviously that means he could not have issued those you mentioned. Looks like he has a long way to go just to catch up with Bush2 ;) President Obama's 923 Executive Orders
We're all operating on degrees of ignorance here... myself included. I do take a little extra time to try to find out if what I'm being told is true.
Executive Orders
Since you read a lot, read up on all of this and the hundreds more executive orders that this president has signed in the last two years. In fact I saw a columnist in a small town paper that I read last night that stated he has now enacted more executive orders than all of the other presidents put together from G. Bush Jr back to George Washington already.

Read up on some of these and tell me why else they would need to be written. executive order #10995--allows the government to seize and control the communication media----# 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals--- # 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms---#11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision---#11001 allows the government to take over all health, education, and welfare functions........

Since I am apparently so ignorant please explain to me why we would need these orders. Oh I am sure they are for MY protection right. Of course while they have taken the guns of law abiding citizens up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
Anybody that complies and registers his guns is nuts.

The gubmint cannot take what they don't know about.
May 29, 2011