Saw pictures of people lined up.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
I do read a lot jekjr... more than is probably good for me. I don't ave much faith in government whether it's local or federal. I just don't see what you see. I haven't seen any stories on confiscation. That's NRA and other organizations fear tactics. The NRA used to be a good, legitimate organization. Now its just another lobbyist group.
The US government is not planning to confiscate weapons and declare martial law and become a totalitarian dictatorship.
Not because they are afraid of armed citizens. They could crush that easily. There's just no point in it. And I doubt that anyone who is capable of setting that in motion even has an interest in doing it.
Let me ask you a question. What do you see happening that makes you think this is coming? What do you read that makes you think it's coming?
Oh please. You didn't see Ray Nagin's idiocy after Katrina? Shame on you if you didn't, as it was being broadcast on even the most liberal news shows. That was only one of the confiscations that have happened over the years "for the greater good." Who's greater good? Certainly not mine, had I lived there. Go live in England or Australia if you don't fear confiscation. Confiscation is a coming reality here just as much as "eliminating the Second Amendment from the Constitution," which is really what gun-grabbers want, and if you don't believe that you're either being deliberately disingenuous or truly have your head in the sand. When this goes federal, there will be another revolution, demonstrated quite nicely several years ago by California's willful disobedience to an "assault rifle" registration, that netted the constabulary about 3% of the owners towing the line. And creeping incrementalism is what is going to make this country socialist, which will then lead to communism "for the greater good." Again, if you don't see this happening, I am sorry for you. A blind man could see it with a cane. Try reading Obama's own writings-he's a socialist through and through.

This (Obamacare) is the best option for now, as it gets us that much closer to a single-payer system (socialized medicine).....B. Obama

I've been for a single-payer system since before most of you were born.......N. Pelosi

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors that have allowed the subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.......Adolf Hitler

This will not work if we remain armed-we proved it during the first revolution and will again if need be, and that's why the government, especially the liberals want us disarmed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Oh, you've said that before.
I'm on topic, your lost.
I'm waiting.........
You can say what you want... that doesn't make it true. Unless you want to show proof that Connecticut is making gun owners reregister...

Oh please. You didn't see Ray Nagin's idiocy after Katrina? Shame on you if you didn't, as it was being broadcast on even the most liberal news shows. That was only one of the confiscations that have happened over the years "for the greater good." Who's greater good? Certainly not mine, had I lived there. Go live in England or Australia if you don't fear confiscation. Confiscation is a coming reality here just as much as "eliminating the Second Amendment from the Constitution," which is really what gun-grabbers want, and if you don't believe that you're either being deliberately disingenuous or truly have your head in the sand. When this goes federal, there will be another revolution, demonstrated quite nicely several years ago by California's willful disobedience to an "assault rifle" registration, that netted the constabulary about 3% of the owners towing the line. And creeping incrementalism is what is going to make this country socialist, which will then lead to communism "for the greater good." Again, if you don't see this happening, I am sorry for you. A blind man could see it with a cane. Try reading Obama's own writings-he's a socialist through and through.

This (Obamacare) is the best option for now, as it gets us that much closer to a single-payer system (socialized medicine).....B. Obama

I've been for a single-payer system since before most of you were born.......N. Pelosi

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors that have allowed the subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.......Adolf Hitler

This will not work if we remain armed-we proved it during the first revolution and will again if need be, and that's why the government, especially the liberals want us disarmed.
Yeah NOLA has already come up. Nagin and NOPD are in New Orleans.
Like I said I've been hear chicken littles say the commies are taking over since I was a kid. It's not happening. Lets talk when you have something.
I don't fear confiscation or creeping socialism/communism and no... I'm not going anywhere.
The NRA and conspiracy theorists have gotten you all worked up.
Now why would they do that?

edit: Anybody know if all the guns were returned in NOLA? I'd be surprised if any of the good stuff was still in the property room after the lawsuit.
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Lawn Addict
Jan 3, 2013
This is just funny.. thing about Americans even if we all register our guns and they come knocking on your door Americans aren't going to willingly give up there guns . And if we are going to fall into communism the rest of the world is going to **** to... We have been in almost every war promoting and killing for democracy your fears about us falling into communism is retarded its not going to happen even if they try to many people won't allow it so stop being silly

I am curious as to who is willing to stop it. We now have sworn communist in power in all aspects of our government. As it was in Germany according to several I have heard share the majority of the people ridiculed those that said it was coming. To say we are not teetering on the brink of Socialism which will lead to communism quickly is to have one's head in the sand.

Our military is being programmed in certain aspects to see those who disagree as the enemy. Yes the rest of the world is going to **** along with us.

If you are too blind to see this you are in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
This really puzzles me. While former communist nations are moving towards capitalism or already have become capitalists some of you think the most capitalist nation on earth is moving to communism. How do you square that in your minds?
Who are these sworn communists that are in power? And where would I find proof that they are?
And why do yall keep making references to Germany and I'm guessing you mean Nazi Germany. Nazis hated socialists and communists. The only similarities I see with Nazi Germany and Capitalist America is the plan to dominate the world. Germany through military power and America through economic power and judicious use of military power and the most important part the intelligence network.
How many military actions around the world does China have going now? Russia? North Korea? Now how many do we have?
I'd be willing to make a large bet that in 20 years the US will still have the same form of government we have now.
I am curious as to who is willing to stop it. We now have sworn communist in power in all aspects of our government. As it was in Germany according to several I have heard share the majority of the people ridiculed those that said it was coming. To say we are not teetering on the brink of Socialism which will lead to communism quickly is to have one's head in the sand.

Our military is being programmed in certain aspects to see those who disagree as the enemy. Yes the rest of the world is going to **** along with us.

If you are too blind to see this you are in trouble.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
You can say what you want... that doesn't make it true. Unless you want to show proof that Connecticut is making gun owners reregister...

Yeah NOLA has already come up. Nagin and NOPD are in New Orleans.
Like I said I've been hear chicken littles say the commies are taking over since I was a kid. It's not happening. Lets talk when you have something.
What for? I could be sitting on your chest beating you over the head with it, and you'd still be telling me the sky is orange. And lawsuits make it alright eh? Yeah, we'll simply confiscate your guns, but you may get them back after several years when we're proved wrong, if they haven't been destroyed for the greater good by then.
The idea is to never give them up in the first place. Once the Second Amendment is history, the rest is easy. It just happens to be in the way right now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
What for? I could be sitting on your chest beating you over the head with it, and you'd still be telling me the sky is orange. And lawsuits make it alright eh? Yeah, we'll simply confiscate your guns, but you may get them back after several years when we're proved wrong, if they haven't been destroyed for the greater good by then.
The idea is to never give them up in the first place. Once the Second Amendment is history, the rest is easy. It just happens to be in the way right now.
Look... here's the deal with you and a few others here. You're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong regardless of whether you have any facts to back up you claims and conspiracy theories.
And you don't even listen. Nowhere did I defend Nagin or the NOPD. I have said twice now that they are corrupt and out of control and that was a good example. What happened in NOLA was an isolated event... by local authorities. No way to spin that as being a federal plan to take your guns away. That just dont fly... shouldn't even have to point that out. Cops out of control... happens all the time. Happened in Oakland and NYC a while back with those Occupy protesters.
That didn't bother you though because they're on the other side right? Didn't bother you when those cops beat that mentally ill kid to death?
It didn't bother you when Bush set up "free speech zones" did it? Civil and Constitutional rights only apply to conservatives :rolleyes: I've heard that Obama has done it too and I can tell you it pisses me off. There shouldn't be any free speech "zones" in America. The whole country is supposed to be a free speech zone.
Hint: you're the one saying the sky isn't blue... not me. I stay based in reality. When you have anything more than paranoia and an extreme dislike of Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, come back and we'll talk. Because right now nobody in this thread has anything but theories, wild speculation and fear that we're on the brink of a communist dictatorship.
May 29, 2011
Look... here's the deal with you and a few others here. You're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong regardless of whether you have any facts to back up you claims and conspiracy theories.
And you don't even listen. Nowhere did I defend Nagin or the NOPD. I have said twice now that they are corrupt and out of control and that was a good example. What happened in NOLA was an isolated event... by local authorities. No way to spin that as being a federal plan to take your guns away. That just dont fly... shouldn't even have to point that out. Cops out of control... happens all the time. Happened in Oakland and NYC a while back with those Occupy protesters.
That didn't bother you though because they're on the other side right? Didn't bother you when those cops beat that mentally ill kid to death?
It didn't bother you when Bush set up "free speech zones" did it? Civil and Constitutional rights only apply to conservatives :rolleyes: I've heard that Obama has done it too and I can tell you it pisses me off. There shouldn't be any free speech "zones" in America. The whole country is supposed to be a free speech zone.
Hint: you're the one saying the sky isn't blue... not me. I stay based in reality. When you have anything more than paranoia and an extreme dislike of Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, come back and we'll talk. Because right now nobody in this thread has anything but theories, wild speculation and fear that we're on the brink of a communist dictatorship.

I object.. I dont even have a theory.:laughing:..:laughing:..:smile:


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
What does any of this have to do with mowers?