over seeding for bare spots from dog urine


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
I don’t think there is any grass that would thrive with dog urine supplements. It is the heavy concentrations of lactic acid and nitrogen/urea that kills all grasses. The pH actually is not a problem. Dog urine pH is around 6.5 and that just happens to be the sweet spot (no pun intended) for most grasses. I would suggest you do several things: (1) train the dogs to go someplace else; (2) plant a variety of grass that grows slowly (ask a local expert for suggestions) and doesn’t take up a large amount of the urea nitrogen quickly; (3) raise your blade to the highest setting because taller plants can tolerate more contaminants; and (4) change your sprinkler timing to early morning, like 5am, rather than the 10pm time. Leaving the grass wet at night encourages diseases and molds.