Is electric the way to go now?

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Jan 25, 2022
I have been personally researching and looking for an electric motor to replace my Honda gcv200 motor which is making a loud knocking sound , and not getting any support from the warranty department.


Staff member
May 4, 2010
Agreed. Not a popular stance but politics has nothing to do with this subject. Nothing is getting shoved down our throats. EVERYONE has the option to choose.

As one of the resident Californians here, I can tell you that according to a recent bill passed in July of 2022, gas powered OPE is scheduled to be banned by 2024. The state is suppose to come up with a plan to eradicate all of it, which would mean trade-in programs, buybacks, whatever.

Knowing what I know about equipment, I don't know how this is even possible. No more gas powered concrete saws? Rototillers? Post hole diggers? Jumping Jacks?

I have no idea what they think the ban will look like in 2024, but that's less than a year from now and if you figure they'll get a "by the end of 2024" timeline I figure that's just about when the state will have their plan ready, not the actual implementation of the ban. Or maybe push the ban forward a few more years.

It's very easy for lawmakers to make an altruistic decision while sitting in a meeting, but sometimes those decisions are so unrealistic that the only thing they can do is reverse course. It would be like the FAA banning fossil fuel airplanes by 2030 or something... it's just a joke to anybody lives in the real world. The same real world that knows Stihl or Husqvarna do not yet make a battery chainsaw that can handle a 36" bar. What happens when a redwood falls on a roadway?

I see it as a disconnection between lawmakers and the real world. I assume they have good intentions but a realistic plan should be a minimum standard before stuff gets signed into law.

Gord Baker

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Sure, go electric (battery) just don't park it anywhere you don't want it burnt down.. Cheers, Ray
I'm betting you are 100% correct. I'll not start any political debate here, but I will simply say that our current leadership in the White House doesn't seem to have a grasp on reality. The only thing I'll use as evidence of that is the fact that they have stopped oil and natural gas exploration and new drilling in the US of A to "save the environment", but then turned right around and increased our import of crude from other countries. So, I'm guessing they think that the environment can only be destroyed by citizens of the US of A, or they think that the environment can be destroyed on one half of the planet while not affecting the other half. Brilliant thinking. LOL!
Like Battery powered Drills, electric mowers will be good for 3/4 of your lawn.


Apr 11, 2018
Actually California is broke. They had a budget surplus last year because of their share of the trillions spent that is driving inflation, but now we are looking at a 30 Billion dollar deficit this next budget year, maybe more. People are feeling so confident in the wealthiest part of the state, they are pulling their money from banks forcing them to collapse. Some big investors have black listed the state as to future investments. SF City, with its own deficit problems is planning to pay out roughly 1 million dollars to anyone descended of a slave. They don't have the money, they are just going to pay it. I guess that is the new math. And I am trying to find out about the new TORO EV mowers because my ICE TORO mower that works wonderfully is a 2006 model. I am a little concerned that California is importing 30% - 40% of its electric power already. Not really sure where that is headed cause I will need some of it if I get that new EV TORO. I guess no one has one.

right, but you didn't answer the question. If all this is wrong what part do you find unfair or inconsistent with our Constitution or a free market economy?

Who exactly is your complaint with?


Apr 11, 2018
In case you have missed it, residents of your great state are leaving in droves. Now, tell me what part of your great democratic system is causing that.

There are a whole lot of people in this country that choose to use only the facts and figures that support their own, personal beliefs. Before you try using SOME of the facts, educate yourself on ALL of the facts. You specifically stated, "The people of California voted for people who would make these decisions. They're not protesting." A mass exodus would certainly qualify as a form of protest. Don't you

No, but you still have not answered the question?

Which part of this evolution is unconstitutional or not consistent with a free market?


Staff member
May 4, 2010
Can we try to keep this on topic?

Discussing battery powered equipment vs discussing the politics behind mandates, etc. Why are people bringing vaccines into this thread? Funny comments but off topic. 😅


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
right, but you didn't answer the question. If all this is wrong what part do you find unfair or inconsistent with our Constitution or a free market economy?

Who exactly is your complaint with?
that is the problem. when people tell you what is wrong you ask another question, trying to corner them in a debate. Either you accept that people don't like your solution and work to find a better one, or you try to force your will on others. If you were serious about climate change you would demand ethanol be removed from the fuel, and you would demand trees be planted everywhere they could be, I came here to find someone who could tell me about a TORO EV. Talk to me about that please and don't try to con me into thinking EV is a real solution. I didn't answer any questions because there is no need to. You already know the answers. If California already has to import 30% to 40% of its power, wait until everything is EV. My natural gas bill has gone up 5X what it was 15 years ago and 3X what it was in 2020, while my consumption has gone down. I know who is scamming me. I am considering a new mower and it will either be EV or ICE. I'd like to hear from someone who has a TORO EV. I already know how well their ICE mowers work. I am also considering moving to a state that won't be bankrupt in 5 years where I can just keep my current mower.
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
absolutely... the argument isn't "no socialism" but how much socialism is needed to keep Capitalism in-check. It's currently out-of-control which is why all the bank failures and inflation. Blackrock and Vanguard are buying-up tens of thousands of single family homes to destroy the american dream of home ownership and turn us all into renters.
The "American Dream" is also the "Australian Dream" and both of them exist because there is no long term stable rentals available.

One of the public lectures I went to was an economist ho was doing comparisons between European countries where the bulk of the properties are rented and countries where the bulk of the property are privately owned.
To account for different currencies & wages he did it on an hours worked basis.
The home owners came of substanially worse having spent near 3 times as much as the renters .
When it came to capital gains, again they look fantastic as a number but when boiled down into hours of wages not so good.
And of course the capital gains were of no use unless you sold up and moved to some where with a substantially lower income level , either in your own country or a third world country .
In Austria almost all of the houses are owned by banks and families have been renting the same property for several generations.
And if you think of it we work 1/2 to 1/3 of our lives to "Own" a plot that we can not take with us or in most countries even be buried in.

The longest continual surviving culture on the planet that has survived for at least 60,000 years intact & some say more than 80,000 years , has no personal land ownership in their culture.

And to be frankly honest any one who buys land in the USA or Australia in the most part is recieving stolen goods in most cases stolen at gunpoint or worse.
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