Honda Forum Way Too Quiet

Rich M.

Active Member
Apr 22, 2016
I guess all of our Hondas are running fine or we would have more new posts.

So to stimulate conversation I am throwing out a starter.

What does everyone think about Briggs and Stratton's new(er) never change oil again technology? To me, it goes against everything I learned about routine oil changes and lubercant qualities. Perhaps, I am just too old and not capable of change in this area.

For me, I change my lawn mower oil twice each year, only because I do cut my lawn often.

If sonehow I did get a mower that had one of these engines, the oil would certain get changed.

Anyone else out there that can throw an opinion at this? I have thick skin to take an opposite opinion. Well, technically my skin is actually thin because of my senior age status.

Happy Memorial Day to all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Hi Rich,

Happy Memorial Day.

I've never heard of the new Briggs and Stratton technology, so I had to Google it. I must say from the short blurb that I read, I'm not buying into it.

4 cycles engines run their oil without a filter (in most cases), it seems to me you'd want clean oil in it.

It's one of the reason why I prefer Lawn-Boy 2 cycles over the typical 4 cycle engine, you use clean oil every use.




Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well what do you expect, as all Honda owners know, Hondas run flawlessly for most of the time.
The No 1 problem has always been the rear wheels on the SP's

As for Briggs it is the start of their transfer of all their manufacturing to China , the down grading of their product and end of the business.
The old Sprint engines were good for about 20 to 30 years, the new ones are lucky to go 10.
The accountants masquerading as manager, who have never mowed a lawn, got a polling company to take a pole about what people disliked about mowers.
The focus group came up with "changing the oil" so they set about to fix it.
If all you know about the company you run is the numbers on a spread sheet, it makes perfect sense.
People don't like changing the oil=eliminate oil changes= more sales, works perfect on the spread sheets & pretty coloured graphs & charts.
If it does not work in the market place then it is the fault of the marketing research company, not the psuedo manangers who all paid themselves massive bonuses for getting the "no oil change" project to the market within the time frame they set for themselves to do it.

In 1982 the local mower company down here Victa ( who had 70% ) of the local market & exported world wide, except the USA where they were banned on "safety grounds" becaue they presented a real threat to the USA push mower industry, released the Power torque, the best 2 stroke mower engine ever designed.
The Power Torq enginewas so good, so maintenance free that no one ever mantained them so after 15 years the mower that used to take 1/2 hour to mow the lawn took 1/2 hour to start.
They then decided that Victas were garbage that never worked, stormed out & bought a Honda.
The fact that 20 minutes of work & $ 30 worth of parts restored the engine to "works like new" condition never entered their heads.

The Briggs will go the same way, because you don't have to change the oil, people won't change the oil, or the plug, or the air filter or anything else till eventually it won't start.
When the broken foot heals they will go out and buy anything that does not have a Briggs engine in it.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
Well what do you expect, as all Honda owners know, Hondas run flawlessly for most of the time.
The No 1 problem has always been the rear wheels on the SP's
As for Briggs it is the start of their transfer of all their manufacturing to China , the down grading of their product and end of the business.
The old Sprint engines were good for about 20 to 30 years, the new ones are lucky to go 10.
The accountants masquerading as manager, who have never mowed a lawn, got a polling company to take a pole about what people disliked about mowers.
The Briggs will go the same way, because you don't have to change the oil, people won't change the oil, or the plug, or the air filter or anything else till eventually it won't start.
When the broken foot heals they will go out and buy anything that does not have a Briggs engine in it.

Well said Bert. Fools that run the show will also try to idiot proof the world. Health and Safety, while there is a need for rules, common sense is a learnt thing and that takes instruction, a willingness to observe, think on and learn.

My obtuse view is: I can see the time that each individual will be placed in a steel cage to protect themselves from harm.

I have a HR214 SP. What is and how can I prevent or minimise the problem with the rear wheels on the SP's ?
Is the problem with the drive pawls or the need for reinforcing of the bearing/carrier hub?



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Lube them regularly.
I use dry lithium grease as does my customers.
Graphite will also work well.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
Lube them regularly.
I use dry lithium grease as does my customers.
Graphite will also work well.

Thanks Bert, I will take your advice and apply it.
Dry lithium grease??
Is that graphite grease or powder.

As well, after reading a thread or two about these Honda wheels, I am toying with the idea of having some rings turned up to reinforce the hub.
Do you have an opinion on such a modification; is it worthwhile or not?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The models we get down here are not the same as what you get in the states.
And of them, I only see what the customers bring in for service.
Most of my work is ride ons.

We don't seem to have much problems with the wheels, or I dont see them.

You will get dry lithium grease from most auto parts stores.
CRC do it.
Also called chassis lube.
It is white and used extensively on car door hinges & locks as it does not stain.

Mower shops will also carry it but they will charge more.
Same story for push bike shops.

It has to dry because if it remains tacky then all the dust would collect to it and become a grinding paste.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
Bert, there is nothing from the USA here (maybe some tools) although I did have a Harley once but that doesn't count because a large number of its' parts were Japanese:biggrin:

My HR214 wae manufactured in Japan(?) and is all the way from Ballyboffey, Ireland via Tauranga, New Zealand. Now in Auckland.
My HR194 Rolla is from somewhere else and my Victas are from across the ditch.
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Rich M.

Active Member
Apr 22, 2016
Well, It is good to see forum nembers cracking open the iPads, laptops and phones and throwing out their topics and opinions. Forums like this help us learn through, unfortunately, someone else's difficulty.

So if you get bored over the weekend, throw out another opinion.
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bert, there is nothing from the USA here (maybe some tools) although I did have a Harley once but that doesn't count because a large number of its' parts were Japanese:biggrin:

My HR214 wae manufactured in Japan(?) and is all the way from Ballyboffey, Ireland via Tauranga, New Zealand. Now in Auckland.
My HR194 Rolla is from somewhere else and my Victas are from across the ditch.

So used to posts from the USa never noticed you were from the 8th State :laughing: