the Murphy's Law week in review


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Ouch, I wear a back brace when I'm gonna do some heavy stuff. It helps. Hurt my back very long ago.
I think a lot of us have...Or at least I did back in my mid 20's by just lifting an IBM Selectric typewriter from on shelf to one higher. I didn't make it but as I went to the floor I did manage to save the typewriter. Out of work for two months then. Got better but 10 yrs the pain came back. I finally gotten it straighten out around 60. Turned out I had been living with a dislocated vertebrata for years.

Now if I got to done things like removing an engine I use a lift. Oh I know it looks like overkill but I don't enjoy pain.

All it takes to get hurt is to lift the wrong way at the wrong time. It sorta like my luck with the lottery tickets, all bad at times.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
I think a lot of us have...Or at least I did back in my mid 20's by just lifting an IBM Selectric typewriter from on shelf to one higher. I didn't make it but as I went to the floor I did manage to save the typewriter. Out of work for two months then. Got better but 10 yrs the pain came back. I finally gotten it straighten out around 60. Turned out I had been living with a dislocated vertebrata for years.

Now if I got to done things like removing an engine I use a lift. Oh I know it looks like overkill but I don't enjoy pain.

All it takes to get hurt is to lift the wrong way at the wrong time. It sorta like my luck with the lottery tickets, all bad at times.
I can understand the back pain also. diagnosed with mild to moderate spondylosis with nitrogen gas pocket formation in the l1-l5 with stenosis at the l5/s1 junction.

And they have now added bursitis of the elbow to the mix. Waiting on ortho consult, which was supposed to call me back yesterday afternoon.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
At least it sounds like you have insurance to help. Here I don't and that part of my problem as doctors don't want to work with me.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Star I have coverage if I use their facilities. Outside of the network I foot 100% of the bill.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Star I have coverage if I use their facilities. Outside of the network I foot 100% of the bill.
That at least you are still got better coverage a lot better than my zero coverage.

I hoping in a year and half to get on Medicare if it is even still there. Just depends what the nut cases in Washington DC does to it and Social Security. I keep hearing things like they want to cut it out altogether.


Lawn Addict
Sep 5, 2014
I keep hearing things like they want to cut it out altogether.

And call it an "Entitlement"............. Well it is, I paid in all my working years to it, since I was a kid.. But the politicians had to dip into it, it was self sufficient..Sustaining itself.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
And call it an "Entitlement"............. Well it is, I paid in all my working years to it, since I was a kid.. But the politicians had to dip into it, it was self sufficient..Sustaining itself.
Yes it was initially setup to maintain itself but as you said they just keep dipping into it for other purposes and never repaying the fund. And the fund really took a hit the first two years of the Covid pandemic. Well actually the tax scheme took a hit. Plus it doesn't help that some taxpayers completely avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Right now I know a company that paying its workers cash and not paying any payroll taxes, plus when they sale products for cash they don't collect and pay the sale taxes. So it looks like they are not making as much as they are. No wonder they are building up so fast.

Just yesterday I read where the Republicans are now pushing for Medicare to start at 70 instead of 65 and they wanting to raise the full retirement age for Social Security benefits be move to 70 too instead of the current 67. The reason behind the idea is that we are living longer due better health care. It bad enough for me when they moved me to 67 and 8 months years ago now. Well I will just take the hit on the monthly payments and still retire at 65 which is 1yr and 7 months (and counting down) away.

As the article mention we seniors as a whole will be a lot less healthy by then and will actually cost Medicare more to cover us. But that is apparently not taken into the thinking of the bureaucrats. That sorta like buying cheaper mower to only find out later that it costs more to maintain it.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Yes it was initially setup to maintain itself but as you said they just keep dipping into it for other purposes and never repaying the fund. And the fund really took a hit the first two years of the Covid pandemic. Well actually the tax scheme took a hit. Plus it doesn't help that some taxpayers completely avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Right now I know a company that paying its workers cash and not paying any payroll taxes, plus when they sale products for cash they don't collect and pay the sale taxes. So it looks like they are not making as much as they are. No wonder they are building up so fast.

Just yesterday I read where the Republicans are now pushing for Medicare to start at 70 instead of 65 and they wanting to raise the full retirement age for Social Security benefits be move to 70 too instead of the current 67. The reason behind the idea is that we are living longer due better health care. It bad enough for me when they moved me to 67 and 8 months years ago now. Well I will just take the hit on the monthly payments and still retire at 65 which is 1yr and 7 months (and counting down) away.

As the article mention we seniors as a whole will be a lot less healthy by then and will actually cost Medicare more to cover us. But that is apparently not taken into the thinking of the bureaucrats. That sorta like buying cheaper mower to only find out later that it costs more to maintain it.
And how many of those people that retire at 62-65 due to past injuries and other health issues will now be drawing disability.


Lawn Addict
Sep 5, 2014
All true, I believe.. Maybe some changes in guvment in near future.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Update on elbow. If nothing changes will be having distal bicep reattachment surgery after the first of the year. Then will start my 4 month vacation.