The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

NICE truck !! But I must not have my years right, can you get around in that model's bread-box to work on it ..NOT loaded with EPA junk..?? maybe a 77 model, or even a 67 model, yeah, they were built with-out the mandated garbage I THINK !! ..:cool:

Also, does Clyde (primerbulb120) pay you to go over, and help him on occasion, to CONFISCATE these boat-loads of push-mowers he's accumulating to open the worlds GREATEST push-mower repository ?? ..:confused::confused:

The 'Bulb lives closer to you than I ( even!)

As for workin' on my truck, I can SEE stuff, but I don't know what it, workin' on it is a NO NO !!

Thay's a BIG no no.....get it??

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Me too!
1997 F-150 with 266+K miles on it!

BTW, on the using pallet lumber topic, I have read that it may not be the best source of lumber for indoor projects.
One can never be certain as to what was stored or transported on pallets; may have been something poisonous
or otherwise detrimental to out health if anything leeched out onto the pallets.........


I had a 1997 F-150 with the 4.6L V-6.. Traded that in for a 1999 F-150 with the 5.4L Triton, the engine with the million dollar sparkplug replacements... I put 210,000 on that truck. It was also the truck we hauled our trailer all over the US and Canada with. Traded that in for a 2004 Lariat with the 5.4L. Nice truck. that was the last truck I've owned.



Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


I was lucky that one of my kids wasn't standing there when that happened.. Also lucky I wasn't standing in the way! I fed something in the wrong direction through a router on two different occasions (and two different routers) and paid the price for that. Chopped up the first two fingers on my right hand and then seven months later I chopped up the middle two fingers on my left hand! I don't do that anymore!! Rog

Geez,Rog, made the same mistake TWICE ???

I'll bet your old man about died, I know I would have..


He pretty much hit his knees in thanks...............


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


I had a 1997 F-150 with the 4.6L V-6.. Traded that in for a 1999 F-150 with the 5.4L Triton, the engine with the million dollar sparkplug replacements... I put 210,000 on that truck. It was also the truck we hauled our trailer all over the US and Canada with. Traded that in for a 2004 Lariat with the 5.4L. Nice truck. that was the last truck I've owned.


Mine has the 5.4, and I have always (read: "twice") paid to have plugs done.
Changed 1st time @144K miles, the second time @264K miles.
Probably will not have to do again, as I put less than 5k miles on it a year now.
It "rescued" my daughter and 5000lbs of everything she owned in out 14x7x7 trailer when her 1st marriage went sour,
hauled the trailers from St. Pete to Astor numerous times. 9 trailer loads from Astor to Mississippi (cost me a new tranny)
and recently hauled the 14x7x7 utility trailer to Texas for flood repairs to my daughte's house.
The tranny didn't actually die en route. I was experiencing a misfire under load, so I went to a Precisiontune joint
and they induced the front seal failure by putting the emergency brake on and goosing it in drive in an effort to
get the check engine light to come on so they could diagnose the bad part ( a coil over pack, like I had TOLD them...)
But, 'twas probably better to fail there than on the road somewhere...........

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Trailer towing


As you know I tow my boat down to your neck of the woods every year and then back home again. I put about 4,000 miles on the vehicle every year hauling a boat. That car now has over 70,000 miles on it and approximately 20,000 miles of that was hauling a boat. I figure my boat, motor, trailer and all the crap I load into it goes a ton easy. (The boat is 960 lbs, the engine is 397 lbs, the trailer is 798 lbs - are you getting the picture?) I have had zero problems with the car. I think you may be selling modern cars short. My car is rated to tow 2,800 lbs and if I had a turbo in it, it would be rated for 3,500!

I run at 70 MPH most of the way down there and back, I don't baby it at all. Do you really think I'm making a mistake? I'd appreciate your candor, especially if you have experience in that regard.

I worried about the '99 F-150 we took off across the country with, because it already had 125,000 miles on it before we left. So I installed a transmission temperature gauge in it. The needle never budged off the pin until we were way out West in Colorado and went over Wolfe Creek Pass, (Almost 11,000 feet!) The gauge hit 230 degrees by the time we crested the top of that and then went right back down to the peg again when we went down the other side. I towed that trailer well over 50 to 60,000 miles with that truck (we went 46,000 miles on that trip alone!) and had no problems, why would a car with a lighter trailer be any different? My utility trailer doesn't weigh anything by itself and even full of pallets wouldn't weigh much.. I think you may be over reacting.. If you want to spend thousands on a pickup that sits in the yard most of the time because it only gets 15 MPG, just so you can get an occasional load of pallets, go for it! Me? I'm still tickled to death with my aluminum trailer.

Besides if you smoke the tranny in the Camry, it would give you something to work on. (And fixing it would still cost you less than buying and feeding a pickup!)

Ummmm - Trailer good! . . . Pickup - expensive!


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Geez,Rog, made the same mistake TWICE ???

Yup - Twice.. I ain't as bright as I might be.. My fingers don't work as well as they used to either! I'm lucky I've still got all ten of 'em..

All my routers now have arrows painted on them indicating the direction a work piece needs to go in..



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

The 'Bulb lives closer to you than I ( even!)

As for workin' on my truck, I can SEE stuff, but I don't know what it, workin' on it is a NO NO !!

Thay's a BIG no no.....get it??

OHhh that's a BUMMER ! Exactly the reason I don't like anything after the early 70s, 20 lbs. of schitt, stuffed in a 5 lb. container !! ..:thumbdown:


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: Trailer towing


As you know I tow my boat down to your neck of the woods every year and then back home again. I put about 4,000 miles on the vehicle every year hauling a boat. That car now has over 70,000 miles on it and approximately 20,000 miles of that was hauling a boat. I figure my boat, motor, trailer and all the crap I load into it goes a ton easy. (The boat is 960 lbs, the engine is 397 lbs, the trailer is 798 lbs - are you getting the picture?) I have had zero problems with the car. I think you may be selling modern cars short. My car is rated to tow 2,800 lbs and if I had a turbo in it, it would be rated for 3,500!

I run at 70 MPH most of the way down there and back, I don't baby it at all. Do you really think I'm making a mistake? I'd appreciate your candor, especially if you have experience in that regard.

I worried about the '99 F-150 we took off across the country with, because it already had 125,000 miles on it before we left. So I installed a transmission temperature gauge in it. The needle never budged off the pin until we were way out West in Colorado and went over Wolfe Creek Pass, (Almost 11,000 feet!) The gauge hit 230 degrees by the time we crested the top of that and then went right back down to the peg again when we went down the other side. I towed that trailer well over 50 to 60,000 miles with that truck (we went 46,000 miles on that trip alone!) and had no problems, why would a car with a lighter trailer be any different? My utility trailer doesn't weigh anything by itself and even full of pallets wouldn't weigh much.. I think you may be over reacting.. If you want to spend thousands on a pickup that sits in the yard most of the time because it only gets 15 MPG, just so you can get an occasional load of pallets, go for it! Me? I'm still tickled to death with my aluminum trailer.

Besides if you smoke the tranny in the Camry, it would give you something to work on. (And fixing it would still cost you less than buying and feeding a pickup!)

Ummmm - Trailer good! . . . Pickup - expensive!


I had a few friends down South Fl. way, YEARS ago, when I first got out of the military, 1970 , they went into new-car dealerships in a factory sponsered training pgm. told me all the problems of their days, granted I have NOT kept up with vehicles as I used too, but I remember well, being told of how many trannys would fail, months after towing a boat or trailer of some sort, even the vehicles with a trailer towing option, just beefier suspension and a tow bar installation, NOT a better or modified tranny, nope, I rebuilt a few manual trannys in my day but the first time I saw the innards of a matic I said UNT-Uhh , I aint touchin that can of worms. IF I REALLY, REALLY need a truck, I'll go rent one from U-Haul, cheapest way out in my book ! car's are designed to carry people, trucks are designed to carry schitt ! SIMPLE ..NO ..??? ..:laughing:..:laughing:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Good advice! See Boo, pallets are perfectly good building materials! I extended the roof of my little wood shed and built a chicken coop in front of it. (See picture.) That has been added to since then, there is a vestibule on this end of the woodshed now and that big rock is gone. (I actually towed that rock off with a F-150 4X4 pickup.) The chicken coop is now a storage shed. I miss the fresh eggs and an occasional chicken dinner.


Nice little shed there Rog.
Continous buytnol membrane roof ?
Cant do that down here cause the UV kills them in no time flat.
If Boo built one the rubber would need to go on the internal walls :laughing:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


IMO I 'think' women as a whole enjoy looking their best. I also 'think' they are as much at fault for their style of attire, attitude and physical appearance as men are, if not more so. I mean basics are basics and lets face it, attracting a mate so you can procreate is about as 'basic' as it gets. And like it or not, we are animals, just like the rest of the creatures of the earth and we march to the same basic requirements as the rest of them. We may be able to rationalize what we do, but that doesn't mean we rise very far above those basic needs. Women like to look good and men like to look at them. You can fancy it up all you want, but that's the bottom line.. that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


Run that one past your wife and see what she says,
Yes we are all animals at heart and have base desires but as previously mentioned ripping the cloths off every woman that took your fancy is a no no
Doing the same thing inside your head is not much better than doing it in reality and makes it very difficult to treat that person as an equal or think of them as anything other than a sex doll.
That attitude is a big problem with women in the services.
We had a major enquirey about sexual assult in the services and they could not find a woman who had not been gang raped by her fellow service people at some time in their service career.
Even worse this was the same regardless of their ranks and was just as prevelent among CO's , the very group supposedly picked & trained to suppress emotions & always make rational decisions.

Then we get modern things like revenge porn, 97% of it is ex-boyfriends posting revealing images of their ex- girlfriends and in many cases the girls were badgered and harassed into posting the images in the first place.
A womans maternal instinct is a lot stronger than a mans ( scientifically proven dozens of times ) but because we ended up in a partiarchial society ( this is not natural by the way ) women are forced to surpress their desires lest they become loose, bicycles, truck tyres, sluts or whores while the same actions of a male make him a stud.
Worse still is women feel they should go along branding fellow women this way, bad enough that men do it.
The only derogitory term ( apart from rapist ) applied to males in a nob ( door knob- any one can have a turn ) and that is just about unique to women.

Now if women really got off on mens bodies, the internet would be awash with images of mens bodies, but it is not.
A survey done a while back on naked bodies images on the web came up with 82% women & 18 % men and of the mens images 95 % were on gay web sites

So yes there are base instincts but they are nowhere near as strong and "natural" as one would think.
They have been culturally manipulated for thousands of years to enforce patrichary and surpress matriarchy lest the women rise up and run things.
Look at Scandanavia, a substantial difference to USA or even Aust culture because women were considered as equals right from the start.
Patriarchial societies went as far as to go to war with Matriarchial societies to wipe them out lest they challenge the "natural order" .