Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...


Lawn Addict
May 5, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
UP !

House is only 6 years old (no need to improve since I designed it and had it built to my design) in 6 years the tax has nearly doubled even with property (real estate) values going down. AND we pau personal property tax (cars, trucks, boats, trailers, etc.) The assesed value of both our vehicles is higher this year than last (when have you ever seen a vehicle go up in value with another year and higher miles (other than an antque classic) ???

All this due to less federal and state $ coming into the local area. Thanks to current administration, senate, and congress ! :mad: :thumbdown:


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
UP !

House is only 6 years old (no need to improve since I designed it and had it built to my design) in 6 years the tax has nearly doubled even with property (real estate) values going down. AND we pau personal property tax (cars, trucks, boats, trailers, etc.) The assesed value of both our vehicles is higher this year than last (when have you ever seen a vehicle go up in value with another year and higher miles (other than an antque classic) ???

All this due to less federal and state $ coming into the local area. Thanks to current administration, senate, and congress ! :mad: :thumbdown:

Here in Michigan, the voting public passed a proposal back in the middle 90's that limited the amount the local assessor can raise your taxes per year. However, if you sell your property they can immediately reassess it for the new owner to bring the taxes in line with current market value, and they do..same with new construction, my next door neighbors (3 of them) had new homes built about 2004, their lots and houses are smaller than mine but their taxes are nearly the same because of the proposal that was passed. But once the initial rate is set, they are getting increases like mine...limited to a certain amount per year.

While the proposal does limit tax increases for long term homeowners, it makes them reluctant to sell and buy another home, because whatever they buy will be reassessed for a big jump in taxes, despite the sharp decline in housing prices here. Although my taxes went down by the $9 this year, which is a tiny amount compared to the $3500 total yearly bill, multiply that by the thousands of properties in the township and it's a huge loss of income. To try and make up the decrease, my township has recently begun adding permit fees, inspection fees, etc. If I want to reroof a building, I need to buy a permit. To replace a window, a permit. If the window is a different size thatn the old one, A PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEES. HOW STUPID. It's my property, BLEEP their stupid permits.


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
Like most my property taxes have gone UP every year... A lot over the past 5 years, but raised every year for the last 10.



Lawn Addict
Aug 20, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
That is exactly what I mean...why are homeowners penalized because they want to improve their property? The family next door had the basement finished on their new house, of course they didn't bother to get permits, because they didn't want to get reassessed and pay higher taxes. And no permits mean no inspections, which means no permit income for the local township and county, and possibly work done not to code.

Doesn't that seem stupid...??? Why encourage such situations???:confused2:

This law requiring permission from the county to change or enlarge your living space is a way to transfer private sector income to public sector income. In good economic times, it'a a way for your local government to generate another income stream while at the same time create jobs.
Currently, with a stagnated economy, it works in reverse. Imagine if there were a suspension on the permit requirement. With building materials at low prices those of us still employed would spend money, hire help or contract out these projects, stimulating cash flow and creating jobs. Enlarging our homes, for a variety of reasons, or adding another house to the property to help out family members that need it.
Yes there are some that would build substandardly, but at thier own risk and expense. Any risks associated from substandard building are quickly transfered to the owner of the property in this the land of the lawyers.

Most building codes are necessary but created by the same industry and it's associations /lobbyist that profit from the sale of same building materials. Any risks associated from substandard building are quickly transfered to the owner of the property in this the land of the lawyers.

4 years ago our state was in a turmoil over the skyrocketing rise in property taxes that coincided with a rise in property values. So much so our population acutally remained the same or declined. Our politicians used this as a ploy to get reelected or elected, promising to lower property taxes. Maybe it happened maybe it didn't as the tax code is to complicated for the average american to figure out. Calculating milege rates is riduculous for somone who has the minumum education. My taxes dropped only slightly, less than 4% over 2 years and have gone up this year. We have a law in our state that forbids more than 3% increase annually.
I for one am frustrated with paying for inefficient and ineffective government. I have no interest in anyone particular political affilition, I can state with certainty that binary, bipartisan nonsense that is occuring now is a cancer in our politcal system and must stop.


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
Well I am off to PAY for new tags...
Just noticed that tag renewal is also UP this year...
Got the letter a few wks ago but didn't notice the amount... I think I am going to sell a couple cars that I don't really need to tag... KennyV


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
We are lucky enough to live in a state where we get to pay property taxes taxes twice each year - school taxes in September, then county taxes in January. The amount we paid TOTAL for the two combined in 1999 is what we now pay EACH in Sept and again in Jan. What a glorious state.


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
Well I am off to PAY for new tags...
Just noticed that tag renewal is also UP this year...
Got the letter a few wks ago but didn't notice the amount... I think I am going to sell a couple cars that I don't really need to tag... KennyV

Kenny...how many cars do you need, anyhow? Wife and I tag a Y2K Yukon XL 2500 (mine) '04 Lesabre (hers) '04 Saturn (ours). Tags cost about $140 a year each. Michigan used to base tag fees on weight, some time ago they changed to value of new vehicle, and plates went sky high. What galls me most of all is that you pay the tag fee for one little sticker, used to be you got two new metal plates for your money now you get a 2 square inch sticker. that costs 10X what the plates did. What a farce. We already pay some of the highest tag fees in the nation and now they want to raise them 50% to get more money to fix the roads. Bull Roar. I drive less than 3000 miles a year, why should I subsidize the drivers who pile up 50,000 miles a year...raise the gas tax instead.:mad::mad:


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
Property taxes are a real pain but fortunately there isn't a big difference here between this year and last year's. I don't know how people in new homes do it.


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
Property taxes are a real pain but fortunately there isn't a big difference here between this year and last year's. I don't know how people in new homes do it.

Are you referring to the same situation I noted a few posts earlier...where existing homeowners have their taxes limited by law, and new homes get socked with a high tax to begin with, because the restrictions don't apply to those?


Lawn Addict
Aug 20, 2010
  • / Were yours UP or Down... Property Taxes in todays mail...
Are you referring to the same situation I noted a few posts earlier...where existing homeowners have their taxes limited by law, and new homes get socked with a high tax to begin with, because the restrictions don't apply to those?

I'm not at all sure how things work in Calfornia, but I'm pretty sure that he is refering to just that. It's the same here in Florida. Homes are reassessed when they are sold. 6 years ago the taxes tripled on the property I purchased and now reside at.
Our state and county officials have no reason to lower or stop raising taxes unless we citiizens get more involved with our government.