USPS/Ebay delivery


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
There is both good and bad products out there. This why when I try a new after market part I only order one to begin with so I can check the quality. There is a lot companies that buy an item, slap their label on it, and pretend they made it. I caught a few at it.

We I would prefer to support my country's factories but some just produce crap too so I must buy outside the county to get a quality product.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
You seem to take a lot of shots at America/Americans without any return fire. Why?
Perhaps,the sellers in question deserve the shots. My wife bought some cat food on Amazon,at what she thought was a reasonable price,not great,but reasonable. Turned out,it was for ONE can,NOT one case,as the listing led her to believe. Talk about my wife getting what I reserve for me alone! No one bad mouths vendors they are pleased with. I got socked with $35 in lost merchandise,because according to the tracking number, the item was "delivered". To be fair to the seller,the "lost" purchases did show up 10 days AFTER they were ,according to Ebay,confirmed to have been delivered. Happy with Ebay's "Money Back Guarantee"? NO,I am NOT. It's worthless. When something I buy has been listed as "Delivered" and a week goes by,I get a bit uneasy. You?
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
There is both good and bad products out there. This why when I try a new after market part I only order one to begin with so I can check the quality. There is a lot companies that buy an item, slap their label on it, and pretend they made it. I caught a few at it.

We I would prefer to support my country's factories but some just produce crap too so I must buy outside the county to get a quality product.
Not a problem down here where greed & short term returns are so rampant that manufacturing is near impossible .
OTOH if you want massive holes in the ground, we have plenty of them to spare .
Believe it or not we were seriously approached by some US city / state garbage disposal authorities as being a potential garbage tip because those iron ore & coal open cut mine holes are big enough to take NY city's garbage for over 100 years and still have space to spare.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Perhaps,the sellers in question deserve the shots. My wife bought some cat food on Amazon,at what she thought was a reasonable price,not great,but reasonable. Turned out,it was for ONE can,NOT one case,as the listing led her to believe. Talk about my wife getting what I reserve for me alone! No one bad mouths vendors they are pleased with. I got socked with $35 in lost merchandise,because according to the tracking number, the item was "delivered". To be fair to the seller,the "lost" purchases did show up 10 days AFTER they were ,according to Ebay,confirmed to have been delivered. Happy with Ebay's "Money Back Guarantee"? NO,I am NOT. It's worthless. When something I buy has been listed as "Delivered" and a week goes by,I get a bit uneasy. You?
Which only goes to strengthen what I was saying
The Chinese sites make it very clear the qualtities they are selling in .
In theory your wife should have left negative feed back and ebay should have looked at the listing.
Way too many people seem to be afraid of calling out crooks.
I regularly leave neutral & negative feed back where it is deserved, particularly if they show what looks like an OEM part and the aftermarket part looks nothing like it & is obviously a very poor quality copy .
Another little trick they use down here is to ship via ebays own e-delivery system
I bought some stuff from Melbourne, ebay showed it as having been shipped ( that is triggered by printing the address lable ) the next day . The goods sat in Melbourne for 11 weeks before it was finally shipped & I feel that only happened because I sent a refund request to Paypal .

Amazon is just as bad.
Could not count the number of times the item image is a B & S box.
In many cases the size of the box would not fit the part that is supposed to be in there
So either they are ordering the parts from B & S after they have your money or are drop shipping and have no idea about what they are selling .

Neither of these practices would be legal for Walmart or HF to do yet the governments ( ours is just as bad ) are happy to ignore the problem.
It is even illegal under the rules of auctions as then good are supposed to be the property of the vendor


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I have learned to be very cautious buyer on any website especially those like eBay and Amazon. You must pay very close attention to the details. Even then as said some will use images that are not actual images of the parts being sold.

It does make very challenging to weeds the fakes. I have been lucky enough to get a few OEM approved distributors which buying parts much more reliable.

One problem with Amazon is that they have grown too big to manage to vendors in my opinion as many fraudsters are now on there. It is same with eBay. Both were good companies at one time but these guys have ruin it for all of us as trust is going out the door.

I once dealt with DC Spares out Hong Kong but they simply still have the website up but no one is servicing the customers. Plus with me running a JIT business it is hard to deal with the Chinese sites as they are so far away shipping times wise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2013
If you think that then your stars & stripes sun glasses are obstructing your vision.
However from outside a country where your perceptions are not coloured by jingoism you get a clearer view.
I am just as critical of Australians & the Australian government except they are just not as topical on a forum that would be some where around 90% American .
If you read the entire thread yo would see I am quite sympathetic to the USPS because I know just how difficult a job they face & the critism of their management was the same as the critism of Aust Post management .

Ebay was a wonderful idea till it got hy-jacked by crooks & thieves then overwhelmed by major retailers masquerading as small time vendors.
You will also see I critised the Aust Governments failure to regulate Evil Pay properly allowing them to sell shoody , illegal goods because they pretend to be an auction platform where as in reality they have become a strait retail platform & should be covered by the same retail laws as I am
If I sell a new 25:1 chain saw I am open to a $ 10,000 fine yet ebay vendors sell hundreds a week .

As for the collective mind sets the two countries are at opposite ends of the spectrum

Australians would rather die than buy anything locally made with the overall perception that everything made locally is inferiour to what gets imported , which to be fair is not uncommon and the direct result of bad government policy.
Americians seem to be the polar opposite and will buy what is USA made regardless of the quality because they believe that everything made in the USA has to be the best on the planet for no reason other than it is USA made .

When it comes to politics it is so obvious just how deeply the cold war propaganda has infiltrated the collective mind set of the US population .
I didn't base that on one post, but many, such as this one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
Which only goes to strengthen what I was saying
The Chinese sites make it very clear the qualtities they are selling in .
In theory your wife should have left negative feed back and ebay should have looked at the listing.
Way too many people seem to be afraid of calling out crooks.
I regularly leave neutral & negative feed back where it is deserved, particularly if they show what looks like an OEM part and the aftermarket part looks nothing like it & is obviously a very poor quality copy .
Another little trick they use down here is to ship via ebays own e-delivery system
I bought some stuff from Melbourne, ebay showed it as having been shipped ( that is triggered by printing the address lable ) the next day . The goods sat in Melbourne for 11 weeks before it was finally shipped & I feel that only happened because I sent a refund request to Paypal .

Amazon is just as bad.
Could not count the number of times the item image is a B & S box.
In many cases the size of the box would not fit the part that is supposed to be in there
So either they are ordering the parts from B & S after they have your money or are drop shipping and have no idea about what they are selling .

Neither of these practices would be legal for Walmart or HF to do yet the governments ( ours is just as bad ) are happy to ignore the problem.
It is even illegal under the rules of auctions as then good are supposed to be the property of the vendor
Oh,she did post a blistering reply via feedback! Even complained to the seller direct,both to no avail. We looked up the seller from the address on the box and it was for an apartment building! Amazon should,indeed,be called out when this is being done with their enablement!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
I don’t think you need to avoid eBay as it can be of benefit. Try and be aware of each e-commerce site best practices… For instance when I want to purchase an item from eBay I communicate with the seller before hand. I verify if they have a good amount of positive feedback. If they don’t, move on. As with any e-commerce or in person… if it’s too good to be true, its probably is a scam. I’ve had trouble buying and selling outside of the United States. However, all you can do is provide the site with the evidence that you have and go from there. Just because one person says no, it doesn’t mean that’s an official stance as “NO”... The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Call back and be an annoyance. After all remember who you’re dealing with. Humans. They’re just like the people at the parts store ,,, some of them have all their marbles together some of them do not. After all we’re all just trying to find a good deal or a fair price and for that, takes some personal legwork. The part store guy already did it,, that’s why it costs more money. Unfortunately,,,some of their prices are elevated 7x over,,, but then again, that’s how they run the business…
Agreed. Due diligence about the seller is always the best protection. I'm not about to write eBay off as a shopping site. I'm just pointing out how they,eBay, treat Tracking Numbers. btw,my feedback score is 3000+ all positive,and I've been a member since in the 1990's,so not a newbie. All with very,very few bad transactions. Again, the transaction in this post thread did go well,actually. BUT, the item's tracking number was posted as "Delivered" 2 full weeks BEFORE actual delivery! This was the total cause of my uneasiness, being told the item was delivered when it clearly was not. Both the seller and Ebay declared it "Delivered" and that was the end of the dispute as far as the "Non-Delivery" case went.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I didn't base that on one post, but many, such as this one.
If I start telling lies about the USA then you would be quite right to call me out
If you expect me to put my hand over my heart & sing the Star Spangled Banner then that will never happen .
And I won't do the same singing Advance Australia Fair either.
Problems never get fixed if they are not called out so people can pretend they do not exist.
If anyone can not see the short comings of their own country , state, town, company right down to themselves then they are part of the problem .
If you feel anything I say is wrong then PROVE ME WRONG
My education was in science & engineering thus I am extatic when proven to be wrong because I can change my mind and from that date on I will be right .( till again proven wrong )
A lecturer very early on in my education said some thing along the lines of ....
"Science is an accumulation of knowledge organized in such a mannar as to be able under stand what has happened & predict what will happen , all of which will be considered fact till modified by proving it wrong .
Between then & now a massive amount of what I was taught to be fact I now know was not fact but the best guess at the time .
Starlin did not make he USSR better by killing every one he thought was not 200% patriotic to the cause
McCarthy did not make the USA great by destroying every one he considered to be un-American .
Jingoism stars wars & justifies attrocities .


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2013
It isn't a matter of right or wrong, I simply asked "why"? This is a lawnmower forum yet you seem tho bring comments about the US into quite a few of your comments. Again, why?