Stop My Neighbor Dogs Pooping In My Yard


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Embarrassment works really well with irresponsible pet owners
Video them then post it to You-tube / Facebook
In particular the local community Face Book page if there is one.
I have also resorted to picking it up & leaving it loose in letterboxes with a note " Your dog left this behind " .
Letterboxes are better than door mats cause they are a lot harder to clean & the owners mail will stink like dog droppings for months .
Legally you are allowed to do this but not if you do things like set it on fire then ring the doorbell .
Fake snakes work really well .
As do pit bull terriers chained up in the yard


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2015
i tried one of those ultrasonic repellers on mine before the black pepper, they'd look at it while they were crapping right in front of it.
I can hear them - the high pitch and pulsing and all. They are annoying. They work for me...I don't relieve myself on my neighbors lawn and all..

There is an indian neighbor that keeps crapping on a common area in my neighborhood. I drive by now and then watching him watch me as his dog is crapping. I have the camera in my car. I printed a pic of him and put the pic at the spot with a Don't Do This. It worked or else he found another place for his dog to go.


Jun 8, 2018
One of my backyard neighbors (my lot is wedge shaped so I have 5) is a rental house so I get all types living there. A few years ago the tenants would let their big dog out while standing in the doorway and watch it do it's thing in the my yard. I would catch them and asked multiple times to keep the dog in their yard to poop. Fell on deaf ears. Went to the property management company and complained. They said they just manage the property and don't own it so they couldn't do anything. I asked them what I should do and they suggested I call the cops. I already knew that was a lost cause. I said maybe I will start collecting it and bring it to their office if they didn't want to resolve the issue. Instead I started to collect the fresh poop with a shovel and throw it against the siding on the back of the garage which was about 3' off of the property line with bushes in between. I don't know what they fed the dog but what came out was semi-solid turds. A few months later the property management guy was there to repair something and seen me in my back yard and came over to talk. He said "must have got the poop issue resolved with the tenants, haven't heard from you lately". I said "yep, look at the back of the garage". All covered with shit/shit stains. He then said "I will have a talk with them". That weekend the tenants were out scrubbing the siding and picking up the shit along the back of the garage and from then on the dog was on a leash when unattended. Don't miss those neighbors.