So you think you want an Exmark?-caveat emptor: big time!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
  • / So you think you want an Exmark?-caveat emptor: big time!
Black Bart, your are correct; I have made no attempt to get my problem resolved. I love having a mower with less than 6 hours on it that is on its way back to the dealer for another warranty repair.
Its terrific fun watching the grass grow real high while the mower I am making payments on is sitting in the shop.

It hits home when you put it that way. My Magic 8 Ball says... "rant justified".

Black Bart

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2011
  • / So you think you want an Exmark?-caveat emptor: big time!
Black Bart, your are correct; I have made no attempt to get my problem resolved. I love having a mower with less than 6 hours on it that is on its way back to the dealer for another warranty repair.
Its terrific fun watching the grass grow real high while the mower I am making payments on is sitting in the shop.

Anyone care to venture a guess as to what the Depot/Lowes would have done by now?
From what you have posted it is hard to tell what you have done but it sure sounds like you have made no attempt to contact X Mark you just continue to let your dealer jerk you around.

I have bought things that were not right and had to call the manufacture to get a dealer to do what was expected of him this sort of thing is not new to me been their done that.

What I trying to say is if you spent half as much time contacting X Mark as complaining here you would have it fixed.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
  • / So you think you want an Exmark?-caveat emptor: big time!
Black Bart, very little will be accomplished by my continuing to post on the impasse I find myself in with a very large Corporation.
Your position seems to be that the dealer is the reason for my woes, I maintain that it is reasonable to expect the manufacturer to JOIN the seller in an attempt to assure customer satisfaction, Exmark does NOT and its important for consumers to realize this.

This is to the lawn mower industry what the' Kermit Fisher' syndrome is to the rv industry;

betsy-tom (betsy-tom)'s Photos | SmugMug

At the very least -we- have been able to pass on useful information to others; I did not know that the ZT2800's use powder metal gears rather than steel cut gears, I did not fully understand the importance of a true 'Donaldson' type remote air filter in zero turn applications (it was disturbing to see the amount of 'stuff' that got sucked into the "debris management system" of the Briggs INTEK ELS engine and of course, it was a bummer to find out that the Briggs ELS engine is simply a way to dupe the consumer into thinking that he/she really has a industrial unit. The Briggs Intek is simply a very consumer grade engine, nothing more-

But I hope that everyone who is looking at the Exmark 'Quest' will run to their nearest Snapper Pro dealer to gaze upon the S50X because this IS where the smart money should be spent-

And no Black Bart, I am not a rep for the Snapper Pro line WHICH is owned by Briggs and Stratton and this is what flips me out-but even you, I think, would agree that it is a bit ironic that the first payment was made while the unit was in the shop, and now the second payment has to be sent in while the unit is in the shop.

The End, and thank you, everyone, for posting.

Black Bart

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2011
  • / So you think you want an Exmark?-caveat emptor: big time!
Black Bart, very little will be accomplished by my continuing to post on the impasse I find myself in with a very large Corporation.
Your position seems to be that the dealer is the reason for my woes, I maintain that it is reasonable to expect the manufacturer to JOIN the seller in an attempt to assure customer satisfaction, Exmark does NOT and its important for consumers to realize this.
This is to the lawn mower industry what the' Kermit Fisher' syndrome is to the rv industry;

betsy-tom (betsy-tom)'s Photos | SmugMug

At the very least -we- have been able to pass on useful information to others; I did not know that the ZT2800's use powder metal gears rather than steel cut gears, I did not fully understand the importance of a true 'Donaldson' type remote air filter in zero turn applications (it was disturbing to see the amount of 'stuff' that got sucked into the "debris management system" of the Briggs INTEK ELS engine and of course, it was a bummer to find out that the Briggs ELS engine is simply a way to dupe the consumer into thinking that he/she really has a industrial unit.

But I hope that everyone who is looking at the Exmark 'Quest' will run to their nearest Snapper Pro dealer to gaze upon the S50X because this IS where the smart money should be spent-

And no Black Bart, I am not a rep for the Snapper Pro line WHICH is owned by Briggs and Stratton and this is what flips me out.
But they can't help if they don't know about it.

Are you assuming your dealer advised X Mark because he said he did or did you actually talk to X Mark about it.

What was the outcome of the post here from a factory rep that ask you to call him. did you call and if so what did he say he would do.