So much yellow...


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Stanley B & D have been drinking the Putin Cool Aid ever since the US banking collapse when the Obama government stepped in to bolster the share market & threw money around like confetti , rather than simply underwriting all of the bad home loans which would have cost about 10% of the taxpayers money used to bail out the banks and benefited the very people who put him in office .
SO since that massive cash splash the boards of the merged company are literally taking over the world.
So yes Stanley B & D own around 70% of the US mower market and 50% of the world mower market.
They also own a screaming 85 % of the hand tool market .
AFAIK they own all of the UK brand names, all of the Australian brand names , all of the Indian brand names , 60% of the EU brand names .

A "parent" company is the founding company , not the Jonny Come Lately rent seekers .
Stanley B & D is also a major share holder of just about every other mower brand on the planet