Sad day

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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Yes !!!! Pre- Jackin'-Joke-Biden, my gas at Costco = 2.499/gallon, After biden, same gas at Costco = 4.299/gallon.
Don't worry with Delta it coming back down...But so is our economy coming to a crashing halt too.

If we can't get things where they need to be then nothing can get done. I was reading this week that global shipping is getting worst.

But I am doing my part to help by not ordering any surplus parts and reducing my internal inventory. It done dropped from 50K to 36K. I am making money but my vendors aren't getting any of it. Besides one vendor said they are so over worked they can't keep up with the orders so I am giving them a break from sending me anything until after the first of the year. That has only cost them a couple thousand so far in sales since June.

And just think if we keeping losing members of our work force things will only get worst too. Here is the latest forecast Death toll.
The forecast also predicts that new Covid-19 deaths will likely increase over the next four weeks, projecting a total of 651,000 to 680,000 deaths reported by September 18. The previous forecast, published August 18, predicted up to 664,000 Covid-19 deaths by September 11.
Now this just a drop in the bucket as we are also losing people through other death causes too.


Forum Newbie
Oct 9, 2017
How is it that gas prices went up from 2008 to 2016 with a D, down from 2016 to 2020 with an R, and now with a D, they're going up.....?
Again, the reason gas prices are up is because of OPEC, not anything Biden did. Read about it on places other then Fox News.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
How is it that gas prices went up from 2008 to 2016 with a D, down from 2016 to 2020 with an R, and now with a D, they're going up.....?
Gas has actually gone down lately I was paying $3/ gallon a weeks ago and now it is around $2.75.

And yes gas prices are based on demand and not who is the head of the government. And if the traffic around here is any indication the demand has fell to the floor again. I don't even see the local farmer moving much lately equipment wise.


Forum Newbie
Jul 5, 2013
Trump was the pres. He didn't want to scare, alarm or freak out the public. He did say masks and the vaccine work. He knows they all work as he gets the best briefing from top so called experts daily. Every word he said or tweet he did, someone freaked out. And the Democraps were first to attack him on his every word.

Politics aside, Trump did more for the American PEOPLE than I've ever seen. Low gas prices, border wall, stock market boomed and many more.

And our current pres "Sleepy" Joe Biden. What has he done for us? LOL Okay I DO like one thing the man has done. Pull the troops out of Afghanistan. Although he screwed it all up by removing the troops before the civilians. Step in the right direction. Next I hope he pulls out of Korea and Vietnam. What the heck are we still over there for?
I find it hard to believe that people like yourself find it necessary to make political comments about an ass such as Donald Tramp you n a lawnmower forum site. Get an f’n life sloppy.


Forum Newbie
Oct 9, 2017
I find it hard to believe that people like yourself find it necessary to make political comments about an ass such as Donald Tramp you n a lawnmower forum site. Get an f’n life sloppy.
Well said. Here is a quote from the main page of this site "When you're done mowing, grab a seat on the Lawn Mower Forum front porch and talk about whatever comes to mind (except politics, of course!).


Active Member
Aug 1, 2015
Not sure how this site turned into a political discussion. I'm not sure how you can say Trump did great things for the country. Low gas prices are supply and demand and other than releasing oil from the federal reserve, the president has nothing to do with it. You do realize the rise in the stock market is from the federal reserve pumping billions of dollars into the economy each week. Hence the rise in inflation. Only a small part of the border wall was completed, so I doubt there is any real benefit there. Not that I'm saying everything he did I disagreed with. There was never a serous attempt to get the border fixed before him. Now it would be great if every member of Congress would begin to control the run away spending.
Just how do you square gas prices with supply and demand? It's the oil futures that drive the prices. When Biden stopped leases on federal land, the futures prices went up. When he killed the Keystone Pipeline (and up to 40,000 jobs), the futures prices went up. That's what drive gas prices. We were energy independant, now we're begging Saudi Arabia to pump more gas.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2015
He was a far right conservative who didn't believe in the vaccine and thought it was a scam until he was admitted to the hospital then switched his point of view on the vaccine, I will let you decide his political status.
That was helpful...
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