Impact problem


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
My nephew gave me set of Rockford pneumatics because he didn't need it. The one I needed most, the 1/2 impact (CAC-110) didn't have the air inlet stuff in it. It was sort of laying in the case. There's a stem that goes to the trigger. robber washer that fits the steel ball. The ball. A spring, then the screened adapter that screws in to hold it all in place.
The problem is, the spring is too long. Screw it all together and the trigger won't pull. And if you force it, the ball slides up into the spring.

I can't find any diagrams on this anywhere. The book on this is gone. The nephew and my brother said no one ever used it. But I can tell there's a few things missing out of the box.

But, there's still the spring and the ball. I compared the spring in the other tool, but it was even longer. Fact is, any spring at all, is going to be too long. So I'm not getting something right.

Any one know what's going on? I really need to get this thing working. It's brand new.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Scratch all that. Problem solved.

The first fitting that screws into the impact, isn't flat on the end, with the screen. It's deep well, so that the spring can fit inside it. That fitting was missing out of the set. Luckily, I had another fitting on a old impact that was just the right size.