Could it be his dynamic and charismatic personality?I have a video on youtube that is titled john deere and it has gotten so many hits that youtube put me on a commission program.
I'm betting your name comes up with some type of web search and people click on it.
Last I checked my goofy video of my nephews JD power wheels chasing my motorcycle was over 15k views.
Same bike blowing nitrous has like 50views,so pretty sure it's in the name.
I have found youtube to be very helpful. There are videos showing you how to fix or repair a myriad of devices. I have seen some really funny stuff there too.YouTube has So much fake and Photoshopped crap on it I never view anything anyone sends me just automatically delete it. Sometimes I think Youtube is the bastardized offspring of MySpace and Twitter. Total waste of time.
Well... No! :laughing:Could it be his dynamic and charismatic personality?
Well... No! :laughing:
:laughing: IT IS TRUE!This from the absolute master of postwhoring who also disappears from various forums while making the excuse "my internet is down again...."