FR651 AirFilter Modification


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2021
FWIW: A friend of mine has the same Kawasaki FR651V engine & currently has over 600 hours on it, using the OE filters only.
And his mower is still full of life..

This was what I did long ago.
LA, that is very promising, I glad to know the engines are up to the task. This is my first Kawasaki, I was told by several they considered them the industry leader when I started looking for a mower. I'm sure different operating enviornments play a big roll in how the engines perform. Between us, I'll try to make my next update prettier, might even add paint. r


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2021
If someone is that cheap as to not want to change their OE filter, as part of regular maintenance, then you should probably own a cow or a goat.
I haven't see many proper suggestions on this blog. Mostly a bunch of hacks.
TX, the mod has nothing to do with saving money on filters, it's all about taking better care of the engine for the long haul. I will admit my choice of material may not have eye appeal but it's what I had easily available to work with. Watch for round 2.. Cheers, r


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2015
I rather think it is more about meeting the noise regulations that engine breathing
Once again, they are SLOW reving low power cheap engines not Nascar top fuelers .
Kawakasi use the exact same blower housing without the flap on the FX series with a flex tube to a Donaldson double element filter
On the FX 600 /651 they use a single element Donaldson filter , again with the air box cover removed,
Every wanna be with a SUV fits a snorkel .
All of our local push mowers from 1956 to 2008 were fitted with snorkels .
I have serviced 40 year old mowers still running with the original filter which is still in good condition as it is pulling clean air.
Where as a foam filtered Sprint will be lucky if the filter is not choked beyond use in a single season.
The std B & S or honda side panel filter will clog enough to prevent an engine starting in as little as a single season as well.
So while it might be a thing that only it's creator could love shifting the air intake as far as possible from dirt & dust is always a good idea.
Lots of desert bike upgrades that shift the air filter to a position above the fuel tank to get them out of the dust .
Muddling engine breathing with noise outputs (dB) says you really should not be playing with air Bert, let alone advising anyone on after market 'hacks' to any design, 40years in place or less!
OEM avenues will get anyone an alternative trashbox and filter with housing for these motors, it is done every other day of any week, with the assurance no performance suffers. I suggested as much in my original comment.
As usual the factor of operator error is being ignored here as there is another airway possibly way more critical for an air-cooled engine, and in the instance of mowers an airway requiring cleaning whilst doing the job should grass be found blowing over the engine difficult to avoid through circumstance or ignorance.
As suggested earlier, the purpose of these forums is to assist those looking to be assisted. Anything else is just a total waste of electricity and time in feeding egos or in the case of the educated, rebutting the bullshit.
Just cease... whichever camp one identifies with.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
I raised this issue a few weeks back and did not get a lot of support here. Did I let that stop me? No Sir! :)

Here is what I did. This is flexible steel electrical conduit. I did not want something rigid because I go under low limbs and/or sometimes when I turn the engine goes into shrubs. So far no problems to report. It is leaf chopping season in NJ that creates a lot of dust. I want to wait for leaves to dry out a little before using it some more and delivering my verdict. I plugged the original air intake and these hoses feed the air filter housing above where the air was being drawn from. The volume of air delivered is about the same as it was.
The hoses will let me easily play with where I pull air from. Behind the mower is not the best but higher is better. The hoses will also let me play with feeding some propane from a handheld tank into the air supply when I get bored.
I am considering putting another hose from in the seat bottom to experiment with the occasional methane boost. :)
I'd put a one way valve on that setup in case of backfire under methane boost... That would give new meaning to the term "hot seat"!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Merry Christmas To all....