Extra Oil filter?


Forum Newbie
Jun 11, 2023
This Dixie chopper is a bit different than my last one that had a Generac set up. This one has a Kohler 20S motor on it. This motor has TWO oil filters!
It's like my GMC Jimmy, they couldn't fit the oil filter off the motor, so they used hydraulic hoses to put it elsewhere. But on this Kohler I still have the small
filter that comes off the motor AND the big extra one they call "bypass"??? Can someone explain to me the function of having both filters? I thought maybe
it's a trick to keep the oil cooler...but there's already an oil cooler radiator set up off the motor. Thanks in advance for helping me understand the reason behind the
double (extra) oil filter.:unsure:
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Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
You don't want an oil cooler. Unless you are into NASCAR racing or similar and have 9,000rpm revs. You want the oil as hot as you can get it. Need to burn off moisture out of the sump and thin it for flow.

Bypass jobs are lower flow and lower microns.


Forum Newbie
Jun 11, 2023
You don't want an oil cooler. Unless you are into NASCAR racing or similar and have 9,000rpm revs. You want the oil as hot as you can get it. Need to burn off moisture out of the sump and thin it for flow.

Bypass jobs are lower flow and lower microns.

You must have not seen a Dixie Chopper lawn mower in your life? They all have a mini oil cooler along with a med cooler for the hydro oil. I'm NOT asking about the cooler...I'm asking why the extra bypass filter along with the regular engine filter. Your comment bypass jobs are lower flow and lower microns...and so what? why would Dixie and/or Kohler engine want to add or have the bypass on this mower? Is it for better filtration? the filter for the bypass is shi+ in a PITA!>costs 130$ on Dixie site-OUCH! Again why is this added...why is this important for this mower set up....heat? filtration?


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
Same with oil filters on lawn mowers. Millions out there with no filter at all. Seem to work just fine. Oh and no coolers either. Amazing how all that grass gets cut every week.


Forum Newbie
Jun 11, 2023
Same with oil filters on lawn mowers. Millions out there with no filter at all. Seem to work just fine. Oh and no coolers either. Amazing how all that grass gets cut every week.
With this comment....I can tell U know ....NOT MUCH of anything! For sure you have never owned one of the best in the world...the Dixie Chopper! Please do me a favor and do not reply to my posts at all anymore....U are a waste of time....thank you


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
I can tell U know ....NOT MUCH of anything!
Very true very true.
For sure you have never owned one of the best in the world...the Dixie Chopper!
I'm not into sub par machines guy. I would get a Cub Cadet before a Dixie. And that's stooping pretty low.

Are you still struggling with what a bypass filter is? Have you changed your filters out yet?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Never seen this set up ever on any mower, skid steer excavator that uses a small petrol engine
Running remote filters is quite common because there is no space for them or they would be impossible to replace , particulary on stand ons like Dingos & Kangas
Running an oil cooler is also common on these machines as these engine can be running all day non stop .
Usually a remote oil cooler is done by fitting a longer tube in the engine then slipping a BYPASS ring between the engine & the oil filter
Fitting a remote oil filter is usually done with a similar diverson ring that caps off the engine tube
I would guess ( and it is only a guess ) is that they could not get these diverson rings at the time so used an oil cooler ring in place of it and capped that off with a small filter

For a definative answer we would need the entire model & serial off both the mower & the engine
Some of the Honda engines I have seen fitted do actually have a pair of spiggots for oil in & out so you can attach oil lines direct to the engine but every other engine I have seen uses a bolt on diversion plate that replaces the filter as to do it any other way requires a different crankcase casting and that is very expensive .


Forum Newbie
Jun 11, 2023
Never seen.......?? Wow, it was done on many Dixie's with Kohler engines.....I was kinda testing the forum here for knowledgeable folks...so that we could talk about different things. I guess I'll be explaining the purpose of the bypass filter along with also the engine oil filter... On the Kohler engine...there is the normal engine filter, next to that filter is another port...not the drain port...coming out of the motor, that goes up a hydraulic hose to the Amroil bypass filter, then another hydraulic hose goes down to the drain port. The intention of this extra(bypass) filter is to filter the oil with certain microns and it's also said to help keep the oil cooler. This Dixie -Kohler also has a mini radiator that also keeps the oil cooler. So the Pro's that made this stuff... feel that CLEAN oil and COOL oil are the key to a lasting motor...Well, they must not be too far off...the motor is 23yrs old! and it does not smoke one bit! As I dig deeper into the why's and the how comes...I've learned that damn! that "special" bypass filter is...whew! EXPENSIVE! The last time it was changed by someone was the date written on it 2014...Looks like I'm gonna be spending the bucko's I guess there are no Dixie die hard fella's on this forum to chat about a few in's and outs...a few do's and don'ts...


Forum Newbie
Jun 11, 2023
Very true very true.

I'm not into sub par machines guy. I would get a Cub Cadet before a Dixie. And that's stooping pretty low.

Are you still struggling with what a bypass filter is? Have you changed your filters out yet?
It's a mixed bag..... My first zero turn is the Cub Cadet... I normally do NOT buy from box stores...but...Tractor supply was selling this new 3800$ CC zero for "see the manager" I looked it over and it was missing the voltage regulator on the side of the motor... The manager sold me the zero...and the mini bike and damaged 3point plow for 1000$!!! I jumped at this NOT because I knew if I threw a reg on it ...it would work...I got it cuz it was the same as the dealer Cub!! The reserve, pump, hydro filters, all individual and very reliable! Yes this matters..box store crap has that in "all in one" and there's many issues still today with them! I still have and use this 2007 Cub Zero turn! I've only done belts, blades and hydro and engine oil changes!! My original tires are starting to show they hate me....AGAIN...I still own this...and low and behold it has a Kohler motor on it!(no bypass) just that normal motor oil filter, no mini radiator either. I've not been a fan of Kohler motors...I like the Kawa's...but...due to my care...this Kohler has got me to change my mind a little....I guess with some oil change luv......Kohler's not so bad....(except for using a rubber part inside the carb-stupid azzes with our corn made gas...the rubber part goes WTF is this crap that's eatin' me up!)
I now have this Dixie I just got....I had one before it and someone begged me to sell them my other one, so I did. This as mentioned has the Kohler motor...but looks like the Dixie told Kohler to provide them with a "custom" motor...for the extra goodies?...My other Dixie was not a Kohler ...it was a Generac27hp. Lot's of negative talk about that motor....most Dixie owners ended up scrappin' the Generac motors...

My struggle....don't normally have any...but when I saw the price of the filter for this bypass filter...I was like WTHeck!... and I saw that the bypass filter was it's own...and the motor still had it's own filter...I was like..my Jimmy vehicle was bypassed at the engine oil filter so there was not an engine oil filter...but Dixie wants both for protection I guess....and who to argue? Motor runs great at 23yrs old......and I see what someone did...they dated the bypass filter...so they probably changed that every 2rd or 4th regular oil change due to how darn much money the filter is!? it's date is 2014...looks like I'm gonna have to bite and do both oil filters...

I was just hopin' to connect with some Dixie die hard.....who may have encountered these things.....and just get a take of their thoughts


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Just wondering which model number this DC is? I would like to at least look over the IPL.