Craftsman Rider dies


Forum Newbie
Jul 30, 2018
Have a small craftsman riding mower with a problem that is beyond me....

Problem: It runs for 10 or 15 minutes then stops running then it wont start. I let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes and it will strat but will only run for another 10 or 15 minutes then stops running

What I did to try to fix? I had thought it must be the coil going bad seemed when it warms up it quits, sits for a bit cools down and it will start again. So I replaced the coil and spark plug still same problem so I turned my attention to the fuel system. Next time it quit I looked at the fuel filter and it was empty. I thought ok must be fuel tank outlet, fuel line plugged, or vent for tank plugged. I drained tank (it looked clean inside tank bottom). I ran a wire down the tank outlet then blew air through the fuel line into the tank. I also thought it may be a vent problem just to be sure I drilled a small hole in the tank cap and put a new fuel filter on. I then put new gas back in and disconnected the fuel line from the carb. Fuel flowed through the fuel line and filter, flow looked good so reattached the fuel line to carb started it up and could see fuel in the filter was dropping, looked like it was sucking gas faster than the fuel from the tank refilled the filter. Sure enough the filter emptied and the motor stopped. Once again I disconnected the fuel line from the carb and gas immediately came pouring out. So no signs of anything plugged.

I thought about this and thought maybe a vent in the carb is plugged and stopping the flow of gas from the tank. So I put a brand new carb on, lower the fuel line to let the filter fill and connected it back to the carb. But this did not help once the fuel filter got empty it died. So I have been through the electrical with new coil, spark plug and fuel system with new carb, fuel filter, blowing fuel line out all the way from just before fuel filter into tank, made sure tank is venting, and verified fuel moves freely through gas line and fuel filter by disconnecting fuel line from carb.

I don't have a clue what else I can do and why fuel does not flow through the line when connected to the carb. After the fuel filter empties out and it dies, by letting it sit fuel drips very slowly from the tank into the filter and it will start till the fuel filter is empty. Any ideas?
Have a small craftsman riding mower with a problem that is beyond me....

Problem: It runs for 10 or 15 minutes then stops running then it wont start. I let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes and it will strat but will only run for another 10 or 15 minutes then stops running

What I did to try to fix? I had thought it must be the coil going bad seemed when it warms up it quits, sits for a bit cools down and it will start again. So I replaced the coil and spark plug still same problem so I turned my attention to the fuel system. Next time it quit I looked at the fuel filter and it was empty. I thought ok must be fuel tank outlet, fuel line plugged, or vent for tank plugged. I drained tank (it looked clean inside tank bottom). I ran a wire down the tank outlet then blew air through the fuel line into the tank. I also thought it may be a vent problem just to be sure I drilled a small hole in the tank cap and put a new fuel filter on. I then put new gas back in and disconnected the fuel line from the carb. Fuel flowed through the fuel line and filter, flow looked good so reattached the fuel line to carb started it up and could see fuel in the filter was dropping, looked like it was sucking gas faster than the fuel from the tank refilled the filter. Sure enough the filter emptied and the motor stopped. Once again I disconnected the fuel line from the carb and gas immediately came pouring out. So no signs of anything plugged.

I thought about this and thought maybe a vent in the carb is plugged and stopping the flow of gas from the tank. So I put a brand new carb on, lower the fuel line to let the filter fill and connected it back to the carb. But this did not help once the fuel filter got empty it died. So I have been through the electrical with new coil, spark plug and fuel system with new carb, fuel filter, blowing fuel line out all the way from just before fuel filter into tank, made sure tank is venting, and verified fuel moves freely through gas line and fuel filter by disconnecting fuel line from carb.

I don't have a clue what else I can do and why fuel does not flow through the line when connected to the carb. After the fuel filter empties out and it dies, by letting it sit fuel drips very slowly from the tank into the filter and it will start till the fuel filter is empty. Any ideas?
Prior to throwing parts at it with the fuel we have today i always remove carburetor, separate float bowel taking care of the float valve. Spray down with Sea Foam including float valve orface and let all sit overbnight. In the morning spray again, remove needle valve and pilot jet if it has one, and run small wires into the orifices cleaning out. I normally snip off one steel wire from a wire brush stuck in channel locks to hold. Normally I find greenish slime looking stuff. Spray again and reassemble. No parts, no $$. Mostly from a lifetime on dirtbikes and those carbs aren't much different.


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2019
It is funny that most of the time the shutting down of a small engine is that the fuel filter is the problem. Those generic cheap fuel filters that are clear and have the paper filter will not work properly when it is gravity fed from the tank. It will not enough fuel through to continue running, especially going up an incline. The best filter is the small round filter that uses a screen.(Like a Briggs and Stratton Red Filter). Such an easy fix !!


Nov 14, 2014
It is for sure a fuel problem if you read the original post you can see I had said brand new coil brand new plug when it shuts down still have spark I have narrowed it down to a fuel flow problem I don't see the fuel running into the fuel filter but if I pull the fuel line off the carb, ( that is after the fuel filter) gas pours out of the fuel line as it should. The carb is brand new I just bought it but same problem as the old carb haf so it was not the carb... What is E 15?
E-15 is a 15% alcohol blend. It does bad things to rubber and some plastics. That new carb may have a now bad float needle or seat whichever is rubber.
The fuel supplier may have changed their formula. Find a supplier that still has a special pump that has 100% gas. Carb may have to have new rubber part.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
Well the Needle / Seat in the carb bowl controls the fuel input, Maybe the float is sticking in the UP position not allowing fuel to flow- I know you swapped the carb but the problem still exists so I'd pull the carb and check the float assembly anyway
The float sticking shouldn't cause the fuel line to empty after 15 minutes of running. If anything, it should allow the fuel line to be full if there is no flow into the carb. With all that has been tried, the problem sounds a bit tricky and less common. If the lack of fuel flow is causing the running problem, after the engine cuts off, you might double-check that the vent on the cap is allowing air into the tank by loosening it when the fuel filter is empty and watching to see if fuel flows into the filter. If not that, try replacing the fuel hose in case it is collapsing internally when engine heat warms the hose while running. It's not difficult and not very expensive either. Also, using a clear or translucent hose will allow you to see the fuel level in the hose.


Forum Newbie
Sep 11, 2014
A few years ago I had the very same problem with my Husqvarna riding mower which has a Kohler engine. Odd that the problem manifested itself after about ten years of use. Anyway, turns out it is a well-known problem. A bad design allows excess engine heat to allow the solenoid fuel shutoff on the carb to stick. Kohler makes a heat shield which solves the problem.


Jun 8, 2012
Have a small craftsman riding mower with a problem that is beyond me....

Problem: It runs for 10 or 15 minutes then stops running then it wont start. I let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes and it will strat but will only run for another 10 or 15 minutes then stops running

What I did to try to fix? I had thought it must be the coil going bad seemed when it warms up it quits, sits for a bit cools down and it will start again. So I replaced the coil and spark plug still same problem so I turned my attention to the fuel system. Next time it quit I looked at the fuel filter and it was empty. I thought ok must be fuel tank outlet, fuel line plugged, or vent for tank plugged. I drained tank (it looked clean inside tank bottom). I ran a wire down the tank outlet then blew air through the fuel line into the tank. I also thought it may be a vent problem just to be sure I drilled a small hole in the tank cap and put a new fuel filter on. I then put new gas back in and disconnected the fuel line from the carb. Fuel flowed through the fuel line and filter, flow looked good so reattached the fuel line to carb started it up and could see fuel in the filter was dropping, looked like it was sucking gas faster than the fuel from the tank refilled the filter. Sure enough the filter emptied and the motor stopped. Once again I disconnected the fuel line from the carb and gas immediately came pouring out. So no signs of anything plugged.

I thought about this and thought maybe a vent in the carb is plugged and stopping the flow of gas from the tank. So I put a brand new carb on, lower the fuel line to let the filter fill and connected it back to the carb. But this did not help once the fuel filter got empty it died. So I have been through the electrical with new coil, spark plug and fuel system with new carb, fuel filter, blowing fuel line out all the way from just before fuel filter into tank, made sure tank is venting, and verified fuel moves freely through gas line and fuel filter by disconnecting fuel line from carb.

I don't have a clue what else I can do and why fuel does not flow through the line when connected to the carb. After the fuel filter empties out and it dies, by letting it sit fuel drips very slowly from the tank into the filter and it will start till the fuel filter is empty. Any ideas?
Going a leave it to the pro but had to put my 1&1/2 cents in. Had a problem with my Troy built pony that it would shut off for no known reason. Might run 2 hours, might run 2 minutes. Get off ,check things out and it would start up and again run a few minutes or all day. Some one here mention the seat safety switch. Finally said to myself, "self you checked everything else, check the switch". So, feeling like an idiot
I lifted the seat. I have a habit of sticking push pins for holding implements on things anywhere that is convenient. If I need one, I don't have to go all the way back to the house. I stuck one about the size of a paper clip on the slide under the seat. The pin would slide back and forth on the slide and when it slid forwarded it would short out the seat safety switch. Would move a little bit and the switch would work normally. Just trying to show you a stupid simple thing might be causing your problem. The people on this site have solved a lot of my problems. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that would agree with me.
Thanks for letting me ramble on,
Waskom , John


Feb 1, 2015
Try unplugging the solenoid, rotate plug 180° and plug in. It may be as simple as a revered plug


Sep 12, 2021
Are the parts that you replaced factory parts? Or, did you use cheaper aftermarket parts?


Apr 9, 2014
When it dies ... immediately open the bowl drain if it has one or remove the bowl itself to see if there is any fuel in it. A stuck needle could possibly be restricting fuel flow to the carb.


Apr 9, 2014
Try unplugging the solenoid, rotate plug 180° and plug in. It may be as simple as a revered plug
Polarity doesn't matter in this case ... it is just an electromagnet.