Briggs & Statton manuals?


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Blazing speeds are nice but not absolutely necessary. Now for larger businesses then yes but not a residential home owner. I can download, stream, and use my VoIP phone on the 50 Mb/s service all at the same time. Now of I came the earlier users that had to deal with 1200 baud service so even the speed I currently at is very fast.

Now without a back power I lose my service even the electricity is out. But I live in an area where tornadoes are bad to take out the electricity for weeks and I have learn to live without it. I just switch to solar power if the power is out for a day or two. I just consider it that I was forced to go camping.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I always wonder what is going on when we see tornadoes racing through your "tornado alley" ripping up power lines .
I sort of thought an advanced clever country like the USA would have the common sense to run power wires underground in high tornado risk regions.

BAck before the NBN landlines were internally powered so unless there was an earthquake you never lost our phone line
In the past 4 years of the "improved NBN " hundreds of thousands of people loose all communications when the grid fails because you can not send line voltage down the fibre bundles and the modem racks require a lot more power than the 50V phone line UPS can provide even if they left the copper wires from the exchange intact to the curb side racks .
Something that the Liberal Party forgot about when they installed our "future proof world class" Broadband network.
It would be laughable if it was not for the fact that people have died because when the grid went down they had no way of seeking medical assistance unless they had a CB radio in their cars
May 7, 2022
Does anybody have a link to a site or page where we can download owners manuals? At the present time, there is a glitch on the Briggs site on the page to find and download manuals. The link is incorrect and it points right back to the page you start on. Kind of useless right now. I sent a message to Briggs asking if they could correct the link so customers can actually download the manuals. Might be a while before they fix it, IF they do.

I'd like to find both owners manuals and parts manuals for Briggs engines on some site, somewhere.
I am a Small Engine and cycle tech, email me at

Gord Baker

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Does anybody have a link to a site or page where we can download owners manuals? At the present time, there is a glitch on the Briggs site on the page to find and download manuals. The link is incorrect and it points right back to the page you start on. Kind of useless right now. I sent a message to Briggs asking if they could correct the link so customers can actually download the manuals. Might be a while before they fix it, IF they do.

I'd like to find both owners manuals and parts manuals for Briggs engines on some site, somewhere.
I have a 3 ring binder with 13 sections by B&S. It is in great detail with lots of photos, schematics, tools etc. MS-4750-101 is on each section. I also have one for Tecumseh.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I also was given a couple of the six inch binders but I rather have the PDFs on my computer or access to them via the Power Portal.


Jun 8, 2012
Does anybody have a link to a site or page where we can download owners manuals? At the present time, there is a glitch on the Briggs site on the page to find and download manuals. The link is incorrect and it points right back to the page you start on. Kind of useless right now. I sent a message to Briggs asking if they could correct the link so customers can actually download the manuals. Might be a while before they fix it, IF they do.

I'd like to find both owners manuals and parts manuals for Briggs engines on some site, somewhere.