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automatic compression release, KS590-3020




Build ate: 4/17/2018

Short version: intermittent starting issue. It is a compression issue as the starter spins the motor fine without the plug. New battery and starter.

One shop I spoke with said it is part of the cam shaft (like my B&S is) while others say there is a spring and lever that can be replaced. However, I can't find a schematic that shows that.
The shop manual doesn't say anything about repairing the ACR, but talks about it.

Any advice? Part numbers?
Stupid question is, will i have to remove the valve springs (don't have the tools, nor do i want to get into that)?
Regardless, i would like to know the above so i can either do it myself or discuss with a shop.

Thank you.




I think the ACR confusion is due to the earlier versions of this style of engine which was the Courage single had a replaceable ACR mechanism, But the new 5400 series which is a similar style block doesn't have a replaceable ACR and would require complete cam replacement.




that is NOT the answer I wanted LOL.
Seriously, thank you as I was ready to start hunting for it tonight.
I will hunt you down when i dig into the B&S. Bought the cam already since the sump gasket is leaking.
Take care, be safe.




I think the ACR confusion is due to the earlier versions of this style of engine which was the Courage single had a replaceable ACR mechanism, But the new 5400 series which is a similar style block doesn't have a replaceable ACR and would require complete cam replacement.

so I need the camshaft. A gasket.

Any other parts?
Crazy question, will I need to remove the valves, therefore I need a spring compression tool, doing this job?
Is there anything I should be replacing since I will have it apart?


Richie F

Richie F

I'm going to guess this is a OHV engine.
If it is all you do is loosen/remove rocker arms and remove push rods.
No need to remove valve springs.




Yes it is. Single cylinder OHV.
thank you.




so I need the camshaft. A gasket.

Any other parts?
Crazy question, will I need to remove the valves, therefore I need a spring compression tool, doing this job?
Is there anything I should be replacing since I will have it apart?
The camshaft, I don't know if it used a gasket or could just use RTV sealant, and I would also replace the flywheel end seal since it could get damaged trying to reinstall the cover. And is easier to replace the seal after the cover is reinstalled.




Well son of a gun.
realized I have another ten months left on this warranty. Will see what kohler says when I call them tomorrow.




Wow. Amazing how many places don’t want to work on this thing.
is it typically, like one shop said, for me to pull the motor off? My understanding is you split the case right under the flywheel and therefore no reason.





Most people don't think about the bucket style engine since Kohler is the only one that uses it and on one engine series.




So it can stay on the mower?




If you are going to do it on the frame then remove the belts so they are not pulling on the crankshaft which will cause alignment problems on re-assembly. Just hope you are good at jigsaw puzzles.




As Star says
I do buckets in the mower belts removed .
A very quick job even more so because all the bolts face up so are easy to get at and all of them take a 10mm wrench / socket.




If you are going to do it on the frame then remove the belts so they are not pulling on the crankshaft which will cause alignment problems on re-assembly. Just hope you are good at jigsaw puzzles.

how so?
Warranty work so I am not working on it anymore.


Richie F

Richie F

Warranty work so I am not working on it anymore.

Always nice to get a freebie.
