Craftsman lawn tractor starting problem


Lawn Addict
Jan 11, 2012
Adjust Valve Clearance All Models - Except Vertical Models 110000, 120000 Early Production NOTE: Check valve clearance while the engine is cold. 1. Turn crankshaft counterclockwise until piston is at top dead center on the compression stroke. This prevents the compression release from holding the valves open. 2. Insert a narrow screwdriver or rod into the spark plug hole as a gauge, then slowly turn crankshaft counterclockwise until the piston has moved down the bore by 1/4 (6mm). 3. Using a feeler gauge (A, Figure 41), adjust rocker nut to obtain the clearance as listed in Section 12 - Engine Specifications. 4. Hold rocker nut and tighten the rocker ball setscrew (B) to the torque valve shown in Section 12 - Engine Specifications. Figure 39 7. Install limiter cap (if equipped) on idle mixture screw (Figure 40). Figure 40 8. Move equipment speed control from idle to high speed position. 9. Engine should accelerate smoothly. If it doesn稚, open idle mixture screw 1/8 turn open. 5. Check clearance again and re-adjust, if necessary. 6. Repeat for other valve. NOTE: On some models, the nut and setscrew are positioned above the push rod ends
This is in the B&S manual to check clearances. Remember the decomp is on the inlet valve on this model (bottom valve) and not the exhaust.

Buckshot 1

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
:smile: Even with your marks, how do you know which stroke you are on. Just because one engine studs were tight does not mean the next engine studs will be. Pugaltitude, broke the correct proceedure down better than I did. Take his post and use it. One thing I did forget was to turn the engine CCW to stay off the ACR on the Intake valve. Good luck, I know you can do it. Don B.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Buck and pug, What B&S manual ? All I have is the owners manual from Crafstman and the Intek manual I bought after my intek came apart. Anyway there is no compression release on the Intek 24.
The rocker pedestal was locktited on the head. People may cause problems is they do not re locktite after disassembly.

The "thumb on plug hole feel compression build" technique works for me to know proper cycle for adjustment. My Intek starts well (spoken quietly) and seems happy with the set up. I guess since these engines run wide open at a "fast idle" they forgive ignition timing which is based upon flywheel magnet postion, coil build up and collapse etc etc., as long as spark is somewhere around TDC.

Does it seem to you some of the dislodged pushrods is due to improper lash, the rest to sticking valve guides-bending-drop out? :biggrin:


Lawn Addict
Jan 11, 2012
Buck and pug, What B&S manual ? All I have is the owners manual from Crafstman and the Intek manual I bought after my intek came apart. Anyway there is no compression release on the Intek 24.
The rocker pedestal was locktited on the head. People may cause problems is they do not re locktite after disassembly.

The "thumb on plug hole feel compression build" technique works for me to know proper cycle for adjustment. My Intek starts well (spoken quietly) and seems happy with the set up. I guess since these engines run wide open at a "fast idle" they forgive ignition timing which is based upon flywheel magnet postion, coil build up and collapse etc etc., as long as spark is somewhere around TDC.

Does it seem to you some of the dislodged pushrods is due to improper lash, the rest to sticking valve guides-bending-drop out? :biggrin:

The manual is downloaded off of the Briggs site.

yes there is a decomp which is fitted to the camshaft inside the engine.
If you didnt have a decomp the engine wouldnt start as difficult to get past compression cycle.
The only way to check them is by what the manual shows.

I see alot of Intek models and can honestly say iv never seen push rods bending which iv heard from many sources.
I always set valve clearances at service and use B&S own oil.
It could be bad material or excess heat.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Pug, Don't know how long the Intek was produced, so could they have eliminated the comp rel? Could they have improved the starter motor? My vintage 2004 does work hard against compression to start. Had my engine apart twice and cannot remember anything resembling a release. A release has to pipe compression to atmosphere, right? My only ref is my Husky chainsaw which has a manual button to push in. What does the Intek apparatus look like? Thanks. PS Maybe that cool Scot climate avoids some of this failure problem?


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
If you would post all model numbers, I will send you a service manual.

Buckshot 1

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
:smile: Wonder what happened to paejkirk and if we are going to get the rest of the story? Don B.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Pug and Rivets , Thanks to you both. I feel better to know based on Pug's pic and of my recheck of the Intek V factory manual that "my Intek 24" does not have the comp release gizmo. The cam has journals , lobes and a gear, that's it.

So I must conclude that "my intek" is very special. Probably developed in the Briggs "skunk works" as a secret weapon , and so "hot" few would pay the price to own it. I do feel much better about my memory...Now what were we discussing? :laughing: