The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

My parents were SMART, I get presents at my Birthday AND Christmas !! ..:thumbsup:..:cool2:..:cool2:

There you go being subtle again!! Presents!! . . . Now you want presents!! . . . Geez, why not publish a list for us? Are you registered at the local Lawn Mower parts store?

The Freezer is in Homosassa... Best shrimp anywhere! As far as I know nothing was badly damaged along that part of the West Coast during Irma..



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

WELLLL ol man winter came in with a bang, supposed to be under a "freeze-watch" here in Central Fl. tonight, it's pretty damn cold out there this morning, and a lot of our members got a good amount of the "white-stuff" ! Poor ol Goomba, guess you're hopin for a warm spell before leaving that ice-berg you live on !! Not much thrill towin a boat around in the snow, THIS might be the year you leave it behind ?? They say mid-week coming, the New-England area is going to get another pounding, Goomba, are ya's OK up there ?? still got power ?? heard a lot of areas lost power due to falling trees and power lines, sure glad I live in place where a snow-shovel is NOT in every garage ! Anyway, I know it's not a good mornin for everyone, BUT if YOU, are still, "Warm n Breathing" that's a good thing, did my first Win 10 "RESET" on the wifey's puter yesterday, was slowed way down and givin her hissy fits with double and triple screens, deleting 4 or 5 items instead of just 1, the reset cleaned it all out and it's like a new machine, did a total "wipe" of the drive ( put all her "To-Keep" stuff on Flash-drives and uploading all her goobely gock took several hours, ( she "clicks to subscribe to almost every "womanly" site she visits, probably gets over a hundred B/S emails every mornin !! ) ( I put the "hex" on that schitt ! ) still having issues with my newbie puter,..primary email got boogerd-up during the change-over, sure glad I have a secondary email address,so things will come together, (sooner or later) OK enuff of my drivel for this mornin, AND remember guy's ! When the air is HOT n Sultry, That's no time to commit Adultery, .. BUT !! when the snow is on the Punkin, THAT'S, the time for dickee-dunkin !! ..:thumbsup:..:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

you have same birthday as Elvis Presley

You are correct Doc. He would be a good bit older than me had he lived...

He and I also share a B-Day with Stephen Hawking and David Bowie! (And Kim Jong-in, but I try not to think about that! .. With any luck, he'll never attain the lofted age any of the rest of us have!!)


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

And mine is a week or so away a well this is getting creepy.
Mum did not take the heat well so she was not doing to be preggers in high summer.
She was crippled so 1 a month was all she could cope with so there are 4 of us , Oct, Nov, Dec & Jan

Comm'on Bert-Man, we are working up to a party, you've got to give us the date... Are you Dec or Jan??

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Snowed for over 4 hrs; sometimes light and fluffy,sometimes crystalline. But always wet and heavy.
Even stuck to my satellite TV dish, blocking signal til I figgered out what was going on!
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I don't mean to speak disparagingly here, but that hardly constitutes what we'd call a "skiff" of snow.. It's supposed to arrive here sometime around noon today, but I doubt we get much here along the coast. The ocean water is still around 45 degrees and that helps moderate our weather. Inland may get some though, we'll see..


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Only if we drive...............NOT !!


I can just imagine what a disaster driving in Mississippi in a snow storm would be!

I remember years ago when there was a freeze in Northern Florida following some rain that turned the roads into skating rinks. My ex-wife's nephew asked me, "Roager (it's hard to 'write' in a Southern accent), How y'all drive on thet iiice?" To which I simply replied, "We don't!" Snow is one thing, ice is something totally different..



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Comm'on Bert-Man, we are working up to a party, you've got to give us the date... Are you Dec or Jan??

4 kids. born in that order Oct Nov Dec & Jan & I have two older siblings and one younger.
How are you with cryptic crosswords ?

The first two were far enough away to warrant their own parties but Dec & Jan became the chrissie double.
Thus for my sister & I birthdays were always a sort of non event and have remained so for decades.
Just another day, but any day where you draw breath is a good one.
And to get even creepier we are all born between 14th & 21st in our respective months.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

4 kids. born in that order Oct Nov Dec & Jan & I have two older siblings and one younger.
How are you with cryptic crosswords ?

The first two were far enough away to warrant their own parties but Dec & Jan became the chrissie double.
Thus for my sister & I birthdays were always a sort of non event and have remained so for decades.
Just another day, but any day where you draw breath is a good one.
And to get even creepier we are all born between 14th & 21st in our respective months.

Ever get the idea, Bert just can't be pinned down to a specific utterance ?? . . :laughing:..:laughing:


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

4 kids. born in that order Oct Nov Dec & Jan & I have two older siblings and one younger.
How are you with cryptic crosswords ?

The first two were far enough away to warrant their own parties but Dec & Jan became the chrissie double.
Thus for my sister & I birthdays were always a sort of non event and have remained so for decades.
Just another day, but any day where you draw breath is a good one.
And to get even creepier we are all born between 14th & 21st in our respective months.

My family is similar. 4 of us all 2 years apart. all but the last one born in June. Last one in May. Now comes the weird part. All the men that have married into the family have June birthdays. Most but not all the kids born into the family are born in June. June has 82% of the births in my family. It is like Christmas in June.


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I don't mean to speak disparagingly here, but that hardly constitutes what we'd call a "skiff" of snow.. It's supposed to arrive here sometime around noon today, but I doubt we get much here along the coast. The ocean water is still around 45 degrees and that helps moderate our weather. Inland may get some though, we'll see..


Yeah, I get that. 3 to 4" here is a veritable blizzard! I spent 7 years in the south Chicago burbs. Left after the winter of 78 when we say a couple of feet in early January.
Got the chance to move back to Fla, and took it!


I can just imagine what a disaster driving in Mississippi in a snow storm would be!

I remember years ago when there was a freeze in Northern Florida following some rain that turned the roads into skating rinks. My ex-wife's nephew asked me, "Roager (it's hard to 'write' in a Southern accent), How y'all drive on thet iiice?" To which I simply replied, "We don't!" Snow is one thing, ice is something totally different..


They actually salted the larger highways, but we ain't gotta go out, so we ain't gonna !!