The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016

I often wonder why it is I can't see the mistakes I've made in a posting until 'after' I've posted it! I re-read them too! Several times in most cases, but my feeble mind reads just what I intended to write, NOT what I actually wrote! Irritates me to no end!

Of course if the "EDIT" portion of this forum actually worked, then I could correct things, but it doesn't....

Let's see if I can't find all the mistakes in this posting:

Holy mackerel man, you've got more toys, tools and things to do than ANY retired man needs, 58 or otherwise!

I'm proud of you for getting those trees down while leaving your power company wiring "up"!! As a long-time electrician, I've seen it go the other way far too many times!

As a point of interest, what kind of generator system are you having installed? (Remember, you get what you pay for!)

I built an entire house pretty much by myself when I was 50 and I thought that was about all I had left in me.. Now going on 24 years later I realize that life isn't over yet and you have to have maintain enough energy to keep going.

Boo, are you jealous of this guy or what? He obviously handled his money well during his working career, he's got a GREAT piece of property, he already owns more machinery that either you or I even have room for! And he has great plans!! I'd say that as long as he's healthy and doesn't smoke or drink to excess, he's pretty much got it made!!

I will suggest one thing Doc, . . . if I may . . . . Be sure to put aside some time to enjoy yourself outside of twisting wrenches and getting all greasy, especially if there is another human being involved with your life.. Work, customers, all that crap will always be there, but when your time is up, that's the end of that and for a person who has set things up as well as it seems you have, it would be a pity to come to the 'end' and realize you hadn't taken the time to "smell the roses" as they say.

As Boo tried to point out, when you retire, it can be difficult to realize the freedom you have just obtained. Most people I've talked with continued to blunder along working at something for several years before it dawned on them that they didn't have to!! Kick back and enjoy!! For tomorrow - who knows??!!


There! I 'think' that I found all the corrections that were needed...


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
1976 Troy-Bilt Roto-Tiller

Yesterday I went back to work on the '76 tiller.. I last reported that I had drained out the gear case and 'washed' it out with 'Purple Power'. Well I finished it off with gasoline!! I also used gas to clean grease and grim off the exterior of the gear-box and I'll tell you what. Working with a flammable fluid like that while using a standard drop light, probably isn't the brightest thing I've ever done. I could just see that drop-light bulb breaking and blowing me, the Troy-Bilt and the garage into oblivion! I did have the door up for ventilation, but still - stupid...

It took over a quart of 90W gear oil to refill the transmission and I had to cut a new gasket for the cover, but it turns as smooth as silk and now all I need to do is go to the Big City and buy another Harbor Freight Predator engine. By the way, now that I have the pulleys properly aligned, the 1980 tiller runs great, which means I'm going to have to find some 3/4" id shims to align this one with. I have read all the manuals and information I can find but although they mention the shims, they never give a P/N for them. I can find shim kits on-line, but I don't want to spend $20 for a couple dozen shims when I only need four of them. I'm thinking maybe NAPA carries them???

We'll be turning dirt with this one pretty soon!



Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Good Morning

Roger and Boo, thank you for the kind words and advice. I have worked so hard for so long that relaxing while retired seems so far out of reach for me.

I have a close friend in town who tells everyone that I am the hardest working retired guy he has ever known.........sure don't want that on my tombstone.

I didn't always have a plan, the first 10 years I wasted my money, bought toys, tools, trucks,tools, tractors, tools, oh and did I mention tools?

I must have at least three of everything, the shop I worked in was so busy that often times I would be working on more than one truck at a time, so it became easier to have multiple tools.
My sons are loving my retirement, I gave them both a rolling cabinet filed with matching tools when I retired, and the rest I have here in my garage. I also told them that if there is a tool they need that I did not give them, go buy it because what I have left will have to wait till I'm gone from this earth. They looked so sad when i said that.

My wife and I (31 years together) put our heads together and decided how we wanted to live out our lives together, in the past we did go on a few ocean cruises, we both love horseback riding and took all day trips in mountains, we just wanted a quiet little place, with just enough room for us and the horses, far from traffic and weekenders. I worked two jobs till all my children were grown and out of the house, I worked about 70 hours a week, my wife started her own business, which after 20 years is still growing with both my younger children running the show now. I put as much money after bills aside each week as I could. Planned to retire when I was 65, but my boss was getting to be a real icehole and sending me a long distance tows (600 miles plus) even though he knows that I can no longer sit and drive for more than 2 hours because of my leg injury a few years back. I gave him a letter outlining my plans to retire in about five years and he laughed in my face telling me that I could never retire because towing was in my blood and that I needed the job more than he needed me.

Long story short, no I did not knock his lights out.......I gave 3 weeks notice, packed up my 5 tools boxes and rolling cabinets, all my personal recovery tools and left.

2 months ago I bumped into one of our regular customers, he told me that after I left the boss started drinking heavy, fired the service writer and 2 tow truck drivers. He said that Cliff, the only guy in the shop that knew as much as if not more than me walked off the job and went to the competition on the other side of town(they called me every Friday for a month to come work for them).
BUT, WAIT THERE IS MORE!!!! The old boss got so drunk he left the bar at closing time, broad sided three parked cars and speed down the highway on the wrong side of the road all the while eluding the police who caught him at the intersection with a road block....thank God he didn't hurt anyone......because he has a CDL it is an aromatic loss of license, and 1 year in jail...all the wreckers are listed on craigslist..........Karma Baby, oh and the best part, the boss and I were the only ones in the company that could run the heavy wreckers, no one else was licensed or certified.
I could spend weeks talking about how this guy treated employees that he felt were his lesser, he treated me like gold because he needed me, I was the only guy in the shop with ALL the certifications, I held and still hold my NJ State Inspectors License, I have about 25 ASE certs, I have to check to be sure. Anyway, enough talking about me, I am just a hard working stupid Pollock, LOL with a plan.

Thanks for letting me vent all that..............

Mostly everything I have, I worked hard to have, even this house. Bought it straight out for cash, which I might add was harder than you would think.

anyway......HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE, and as my father would tell me years ago...."Everyday is Saturday when you retire"


Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

BTW, that old blue ford in one of the first photos, and the green wood chipper belongs to my long time friend, Ron. He is 75 and working side by side with me on the trees, he has been a tree guy for over 50 years, before that he drove a dump truck. When he talks about the old days, it is almost like sitting back watching the history channel, he has lead some life so far.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

BTW, that old blue ford in one of the first photos, and the green wood chipper belongs to my long time friend, Ron. He is 75 and working side by side with me on the trees, he has been a tree guy for over 50 years, before that he drove a dump truck. When he talks about the old days, it is almost like sitting back watching the history channel, he has lead some life so far.

Holey Moley .. Jumpin Gehosefat !! I dont think this thread will have a moments peace with 2 ... YES TWO poloks YEP !!
I said 2 , ...we might spell it different but thats life with the Polski Plunderers .. !!! Break out the pierogi's and kielbasa brother
the schitts gonna hit the fan now !! Man do I miss those Polish neighborhood stores in, ... New "Joisey" ( LOL ). I would spend
more time on the forum today but I'm trying to save a family pet that's close to dying on us, so far the week-end has been
a real bummer. Did'nt get to watch all the Coke 400 race at Daytona ...a real world of Schitt, BUT I gained another Polok to
trade insults, laughs and good times with , Doc when things get better on this side of the fence , ...we got alot of B/S
to cover ( wish I knew some polish other than a few choice expletives !! ) Later Doc, and you guys too!!


Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Sounds like a plan Boo, as far as speaking polish, I only know the bad words and a few phrases Nana called my Grand Father.

Grandpa changed his last name back in 1896 because he could not find work, seems many in the family did this. Went from Nowak to Miller. What little polish I know came from my father
but sadly he passed away 5 years ago. I have his strength and stubbornness deep in my bones...LOL

So sorry about your family pet.

Dobranoc, przyjacielu


Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: Heavy Hauler Willy

As a point of interest, what kind of generator system are you having installed? (Remember, you get what you pay for!)
I bought a 12000 watt about a year and a half ago for my service truck so I could run the welder and a crap load of over head lights for the big recovery jobs. When I bought this house back in June of 2016 I used the generator and back feed into the house so I could work on it till the power company got out here to reconnect the house to the street. The house was empty for about five years and the line at the street was cut by the Mortgage company. My friend in town, who is also the mayor in the next town is going to put in a generator power panel and upgrade the house from 100 amps to 200 amps for me because I want to put central air in next steps, baby steps. It has been very helpful knowing so many business owners and town leaders over the years in my line of work we meet some real interesting people. Mark is the Mayor of his town, but has a thriving Electrical contracting firm.

here is a photo of what it looks like.


Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

what I like best about this unit is that it is dual fuel, gas and propane. I thought about putting in a generac, but when I talked to people in town who have the setup and they talk about all the controller issues and engine problems....I decided to use a larger mobile unit that is easy to service and maintain.

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

what I like best about this unit is that it is dual fuel, gas and propane. I thought about putting in a generac, but when I talked to people in town who have the setup and they talk about all the controller issues and engine problems....I decided to use a larger mobile unit that is easy to service and maintain.


That was what I wanted to warn you against (without coming right out and saying it). I installed Kohler and Onan gen-sets for years, then Onan quit building their own engines for the smaller units and I dropped them and continued with Kohler. IMHO they make the best small residential gen-sets available. The ones (who's name I will not mention), but you may have, are junk! Their transfer switches suck and so do their engines.. Cheap! (You get what you pay for!)

I am not familiar with the gen set you showed, but that doesn't mean anything. As long as it has a decent engine and puts out a true 120/240 volts with a smooth sine-wave at 60 Hz, you can't go wrong. We live out on an island and often lose our power in bad weather, sometimes for days on end. I have a 5,500W NorthStar from Northern Tool with a Honda engine that is around 15 years old and has untold hours on it.. (No hour meter.) It has saved our bacon more times that I care to think about.

Keep on telling stories, we need some new blood here...

What is your favorite tractor? I've always loved the old small Fords. 8N's right up to the 800 and 900 series..

You ever seen this guys website: He's built some fine machines...

If I was rich I'd have bought that 8N I was recently offered and would have sent it over to these guys:

But alas and alack, I didn't work 70 hours a week and my ex-wife spent every friggin' penny she could get her hands on, so what I did make didn't matter.. All that has now changed and like you, we don't buy or do anything that we can't pay cash for. What a GREAT feeling that is!

I hope you and yours have a wonderful retirement.. Hang in there, you'll figure out how to kick back and relax.. It just comes a little harder to those of us who did "work" for a living.



Lawn Addict
Nov 11, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Thanks Roger.

You must be psychic! I just got off the phone with a guy I used to tow for, he has an excavating company in Branchville..........anyway to make a long story short awhile back(3 years ago at least) I towed his triaxle to his yard from the interstate where it broke down. When I got there he asked me to back it into the barn where he could work out of the sun, as I was unhooking the rig I noticed an old 8n in the corner covered in dust and hay. I asked him if he would sell it, and he said no, "I'll fix it up on day"! Well today he called and sold it to me for 300.00 bucks, i'm going down tomorrow or friday to pay and pick it up. Has not run in 15 years he told me, but the engine is not locked up.......chock up another project for my shed........wife is going to kill me...hehehehe