Fuel Shut Off


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
Yes Toby I realize that the bulk of the forum members are from the USA but a lot of them do not seem to understand that there are countries other than the USA
And I think the Suzuki engines that Toro used on their walk behinds also had a fuel shut off valve as it is shown in the USA repair & owners manuals .
Very true... Most people in the US do seem to forget there is the rest of the world out there.
However, when we're making generalized statements in a forum that is mainly in the US it would make sense that most of the statements are regarding equipment that's in the US so it just seems odd when you pull a statistical fact out that only applies in Australia.
I'm sure most people don't even know if they cut grass in Australia.

The Toro Suzuki mainly came on the GTS mowers at least the first ones and it came in the most common four-stroke version but also in the awesome and cult following like two stroke version.
It may have been an option offered and was in the manual but that was mostly on the commercial ones that had the larger higher mounted gas tank.
I have two or three of those Suzuki engine ones in my collection.
Most of these did not have a fuel shut off at all.
In fact, it was very common on the two cycle ones when they would start flooding out the carburetor from the needle and seat valve not ceiling for someone to add an aftermarket shut off valve right there in the visible fuel.
This was because of two things, one because some people really didn't know how to fix it and two because the parts to fix it cost a small fortune because they were very proud of the Suzuki parts. Lol