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Z225 won't run with air filter




I have a Z225 that started spitting and sputtering while mowing.
Now it won't run if the air filter is on the mower.
I have changed the spark plug, fuel filter, and have a new air filter.
It seems like there is allot of back pressure coming out of the air filter area but that might be completely normal.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this behaviour?
Nothing obvious has changed.
I did run the battery down and used the truck to jump the mower, but it got to the point where it wouldn't even turn over, it would just click.
I will grab a new battery today and see if that issue goes away.

Any advice on what to do to fix the mower would be very helpful.






Just out of curiosity pull your valve cover and see if the rocker stud on the intake side has started to loosen off...




I took the mower to a local JD dealer and they mentioned something similar. They acted like it might have bad gas and have a valve or push rod issue. I will find out something next week and update this post. They acted like bad gas or ethanol gas causes allot of issues. They recommended always using seafoam or other additive to resolve bad gas issues. I never thought bad gas would cause an issue like this with a possible bent push rod or bent valve. I guess that's what I get for thinking. :)




Well bad gas eventually Carmellises and works its way up the valve stem causing it to get sticky and not keep up with the cam........if its pops out the intake a lot ibe encountered the rocker studs coming loose and running bad is the start of the problem then it eventually don't start cause the push rod will end up coming off the rocker arm.....but yeah the dealer will find the culprit
