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Yard Bug / Craftsman mower



Mike sal

Regretfully, we own one of these awful mowers. I bought a nice looking used Craftsman for my 80 year old mother who still want's to mow her own yard. This mower has never lived out doors & is not beat up or rusty.

WE have now chewed up 3 deck belts. What is the deal with this and what can be done (if anything) to cure it? I've looked it over carefully to see what might be going on with out much success. The last belt lasted one week. I put it on on during a visit to mom's house last sunday, and this sunday when we returned she said the mower wouldn't cut. All of the outer fabric is torn off the belt and it is half twisted in the pulley grooves.

I mowed her yard last week after I put the new belt on and it was in good condition when I left. I'm looking for any advise before I junk this thing.....I went out & bought a similar sized new MTD rear engine mower for mom yesterday.....
Mike Sal




If you are tearing up the belts they are running on something sharp.
The usual culprit is the belt running over a belt keeper not under it or a nick in a pulley.




May also be worth checking if the spindle bearings have not seized. This is an overlooked part that can cause lots of problems.




Something else to check. The pully that engages the belt. Check the arm that it is mounted on for up and down play. If there is any tighten the bolt that mounts to the deck.
