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Toro Personal Pace Propel when pulling up, opposite of what it use to do




I have a Toro personal pace lawn mower model 20017. The traction cable broke at the top, the metal piece that goes into the top of the lawn mower handle that slides up and down to propel the lawn mower rear wheels when you push down on the thing that slides.

When you slide it up, it stops the rear wheels from propelling.

After replacing the cable (the spring was looped in just like it was before, I took a photo before taking off the old one), I fired up the lawn mower and now the rear wheels propel if you're pulling up on the rack at the top. It's doing the opposite of what it is suppose to. I took the wheels off an removed the metal piece that connects the rack/handle/long thing you hold onto, that connects to the frame of the lawn mower/motor.

Maybe I put the wheels on wrong?

I am not sure what I did wrong.

When I pull up on the on the handle (it slides up), you see the drive belt tighten and the metal piece the spring is connected to moves, when you push down on the rack/handle, it moves back.

I am really confused, any help is appreciated.




This manual may help you out. https://www.toro.com/getpub/22446




Thank you, I had it hooked into the wrong spot and now it works
