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Time Capsule




So, for no real reason I want to bury some time capsules with my kids to be recovered 30 to 50 years in the future probably after I am gone.
My plan is to use a PVC pipe with glued caps on the ends.
I am planning on burying it 4 or 5 feet deep with a post hole digger.
I am thinking about putting a piece of metal in the Time Capsule so it could be found with a metal detector in the future.

PVC pipe should be good for this right?
Do metal detectors work 4 feet deep? What kind of metal to use?
Will there be moisture in the sealed PVC pipe if its underground?

Also I would like to put something in there that may be much more valuable 50 years from now, but I am not sure what that would be. Anyone have any suggestions?




IDK, I bury paper money in mason jars.. But in sealed baggie, inside jar.




Do you really think an AI is going to care? It is looking like about 40% of the work force will no longer have jobs by then.
