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Tiger Cat II hydro oil change/jacking




Hello! I just got my 48" TC2 so I have quite some time before I need to worry about the hydro oil change. It's my first ZTR and I'm very keen to make sure I maintain it well so it lasts (which should not be too big of a problem because it's major overkill for my needs, but anything worth doing is worth overdoing, right?).

I've been looking at where the hydro drain plug and filter are located and it's right above the deck. The thinker and planner in me is wondering how others go about changing the oil while keeping the spillage to a minimum. I've been hunting and searching but I've not found anything and figured I would ask how others tackle this job.

My thoughts are to obtain a shallow pan, drop the deck all the way down and wedge the pan between the deck and the filter/plug assembly and let it drain into the pan, then dump into jug for recycling.

My next question is about the best ways to jack the rear of the mower. There are some cross members under there, then the "bumper" behind the engine. What's the best practice to raise the back of the mower without a hoist? Should I put a floor jack under that bar between the rear wheels or on the "bumper"? I'm skeeming up a hoist for the garage, but that may be a ways out and I like to be prepared.

Much appreciate any advice! Thank you!




Without using a hoist or jack I would have to say back it up on car ramps. For the hydro change I haven't did one of those as of yet but I will look at one a post back.




I have a set of 4 Rhino Ramps for oil & hydro oil change that I back up unto.
For hydro oil change it was recommended to only drop the filter & drain from there with the fill cap open.
The thought was that most fluid comes out, & less air & dirt will enter if you don't open another spot in the system.
Fill the new filter before installing. Fill her up.
Then there is a start up & wiggle procedure to purge air. (sorry can't find my notes)




The way I change the oil is I take a 1 gallon water bottle and a small funnel and stick the funnel in the water bottle. Then place the water bottle at an angle where the funnel fits under the drain plug and remove the plug..... Very little spillage.
