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So over the last month,,




Over the last month, I have estimated about $6500 would have been saved or not spent trying to fix an issue rather than have it fixed. Remember repair shops do exist! Support your local shop. You may even find some very relevant support by asking some questions.




But there are some that rather be hopelessly lost than admit they need help and ask for help....

And I have already spent over 2K for parts this off season month. Looks like the year of the Rabbit is going to be hopping a lot. last year the Tiger took a huge bite out my budget.




And mentioning the Chinese new year the current president has been thru the year of the Ox and Tiger. And he finishes in the year of the Dragon. The last one started out as a Rooster, then a Dog, a Pig, and finally a Rat which kinda matched his personality. The next president get to start as a Snake then a Horse, a Goat, and finally a Monkey.

Well that is a heck of set of animals.
