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Snapper 28 rear engine coil




I cannot find the right ignition coil for this B&S engine . Secondary is open with ohmmeter. 190707-213101 engine . Number on coil is : UFE 16 . I have bought four coils in my search ! This has the trigger clipped on the side of the coil . Mower is 1985 .......no complaints . Please help me......



mechanic mark

see pages 12 -16.




You need ignition module 398811 which you need to be aware that the new module looks totally different than the old style like you have. The clipped trigger is now built into the module itself.




I had a 398811 part in my box O coils and tried it . Still no spark . This 398811 has no silver button along side the coil . Isn't that the 'Hall effect' trigger that is required since the engine has no point set ?




have you checked for spark with the small kill wire unplugged from the coil? if it sparks with that wire unhooked, there is a short in the kill circuit grounding the coil producing no spark.
also, what are you setting the air gap too?




I had a 398811 part in my box O coils and tried it . Still no spark . This 398811 has no silver button along side the coil . Isn't that the 'Hall effect' trigger that is required since the engine has no point set ?
As I mentions about the clipped trigger in an earlier post the Hall effect trigger is built into the ignition coil (module) If you have the rust removed from the mounting studs on the engine and the kill wire disconnected and still have no spark then you either got a bad spark plug or bad coil(module)

On the really early coils the trigger was an added piece that clipped between the coil leg and the winding. And then later the trigger became part of the winding but was still evident where it was located because it was in the same location as the clipped trigger. Those type coils were induction type coils whereas the new and fancy coil is a capacitive discharge ignition (CDI) type ignition.and the trigger is no longer visible.

The older induction modules required 600 rpm to generate spark but the new CDI type modules only require 250-300 rpm to fire the spark plug.




I tried the 398811 again with another new plug, no spark . The ground wire is NOT connected . I set the airgap with card stock at .009 inch . This coil is new from the box . "Made in China" Coil frame to ground terminal is 1.5 ohm and plug wire to coil frame is 5400 ohms . Thank you for the suggestions......




You must be careful as to not accidently send voltage to the kill wire terminal,

or you will burn up the brand new coil.




Have you tried flipping the coil over?




Scrubcadet10 :OK I have turned the coil over . SPARK ! Tomorrow I'll get it out of the basement and fuel it for a road test. My thanks to all for the kind help . Jacksnapper




Good news, let us know how it goes!
