RZT LX - reverse speed uneven


Forum Newbie
May 10, 2020
This is really a question to determine if this is normal or if I should look to service my Cub Cadet RZT LX zero turn. When going forward, everything seems to be good. I have good speed and, for the most part, I'm heading pretty straight. When going in reverse, I can't just pull back on both arms or I'll basically go in a circle. It's very obvious that one side of the tractor is going much faster than the other when in reverse and I have to ease up one side to keep is straight. It will also go pretty slow, not that I expect to get the same speed in reverse as going forward. It's been like this since I bought it (2018), but I've decided to question if it's normal. A friend who has a similar cub cadet (older model) doesn't share the same experience, so wanted to see if anyone could confirm if they have the same going on before I approach the dealer on it.

Rocky J

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2016
My neighbor has a RZT50 Cub Cadet , it does it, do not think it did it from new but he insisted I adjust the rod on the left drive unit, all it did was move the problem to the forward motion. The holes the rods went into had wore enough it might of been some of it but I put it back the way it was. It had Hydro Gear drives, I do remember replacing the axle shaft on that side 8 years ago so I know the oil was new at that time but just that side and no complaint to lately ,I think he is building a case towards a new mower. I think the reverse being slower then forward is a safety idea they had and is a orifice in the reverse oil passage to restrict oil volume in that direction.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
BAck when ZTR's were a new idea and sold at a fair price, the lap bars had adjustments for both forward & reverse so the sticks could be equalized.
When I was new to the game, I would spend hours adjusting them so when you push full forward and drive 50 yards the do a full reverse for 50 yards you arrive at the same place.
This adjustment would take nearly all day and 2 weeks latter the customer would be complaining again that it was uneven.
Eventually I wised up and stopped adjusting them unless they creep in the neutral position .
Now days unless you paid $ 10,000 for the mower, there are no adjustments except for neutral.