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Robotic Mowers





Just wondering if anyone is running the Robotic mowers like the Husquvarna version or Imow etc. I saw one
at a local show, looks neat but I am not ready to quite cutting grass in person yet. I realize this is likely
the future but I am not ready to give up my tractor seats for an automated mower.

The only ones I can see buying these mowers are A) elderly homeowners, B) people who have a hetic
lifestyle and no time to mow themselfs or C) people who are lazy and hate cutting grass.

I think they are neat to watch work and is amazing what new tech is out there, eventually that's all that will be\
avaliable but until I am forced to buy one, Il keep cutting grass with my mowers.




I almost spit my soda at the computer screen when I read that you thought lazy people who hate mowing would probably buy this. I think it's funny because I was think the same thing. Although I can see people who have acres and acres of grass using this too but if you have a yard like mine then you would just do it yourself unless you were disabled in some way.




My BIL in Phoenix has one and he loves it... so do the neighborhood kids. They are too much fun to watch... BUT I myself love mowing and hope I never see a need to have one.

He has the triple blade yellow one from these folks. http://www.robomow.com/videos/robomow/




I almost spit my soda at the computer screen when I read that you thought lazy people who hate mowing would probably buy this. I think it's funny because I was think the same thing. Although I can see people who have acres and acres of grass using this too but if you have a yard like mine then you would just do it yourself unless you were disabled in some way.

So, do you water your grass with a hose, or are you "too lazy" and you use sprinklers, do you ask your dishes by hand, or are you "too lazy" and you use a dishwasher, do you wash your clothes in a washtub, with a wash board, and hang them on a clothesline to dry, or are you "lazy" and use a washing machine and dryer. Just because someone wishes to find a better way of doing something monotonous, does not make them lazy, or disabled. You personally may find grass cutting enjoyable, but I can assure you, most people do not.


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

The following thread is all about the Husqvarna robotic mower: http://www.lawnmowerforum.com/general-mower-discussion/1718-husqvarna-automower.html
