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Please Provide All Information When Posting



mechanic mark

Include make, year, model, serial, from unit as well as engine manufacturer & all information from engine, this will enable us to assist you faster, thanks. Mark




Include make, year, model, serial, from unit as well as engine manufacturer & all information OWfrom engine, this will enable us to assist you faster, thanks. Mark
WOW GREAT POST MARK This is truly the first step in any repair,,,,,ferrisisbestyet



mechanic mark

WOW GREAT POST MARK This is truly the first step in any repair,,,,,ferrisisbestyet
As you can see reading posts, quite a few folks do not include vital information needed to better assist them.

Welcome to LAWNWORLD ferrisbestyet.




As you can see reading posts, quite a few folks do not include vital information needed to better assist them.

Welcome to LAWNWORLD ferrisbestyet.

I can see where your coming from but for people to give the information you're requesting would make things to simple and easy. :smile: That's not just human nature.




Mechanic Mark's post should be linked to every new members welcome. When you become a member they should send it with the welcome. Doubt it will happen because the admins will not even address problems like my problem with instant notification. Was told they would look into items months ago, never heard anything else from them. Guess this site has gotten to big to solve the small items.




As you can see reading posts, quite a few folks do not include vital information needed to better assist them.

Welcome to LAWNWORLD ferrisbestyet.
Watch Anderson Cooper AC360 tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 7:00. He is doing a report on unsafe collision repairs and the insurance industry痴 involvement in it. Following is a quote from the attorney handling the litigation:

(CNN investigative report to air tomorrow night at 7:00). We have been informed CNN plans to air the investigative report filmed in October tonight February 9 on the Anderson Cooper 360 show. Please let your customers, friends, business associates and family know of this and request they watch the program then go to CNN痴 web site to click on the program痴 write-up and comment on the program. Remember the more times the web site receives hits and comments from different computer i.p. addresses the better the chance of a follow up report occurring.




Mechanic Mark's post should be linked to every new members welcome. When you become a member they should send it with the welcome. Doubt it will happen because the admins will not even address problems like my problem with instant notification. Was told they would look into items months ago, never heard anything else from them. Guess this site has gotten to big to solve the small items.

I agree it wouldn't hurt to be posted in the Welcome to the membership but I seriously doubt it would make a difference.
