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digger oz

Hi everybody, I'm new to forums and apparently I'm meant to introduce myself so here goes. I'm a part time lawn mowing contractor (do lawns on my fire brigade days off) and until a couple of weeks ago I was using a Simplicity Regent ride-on mower with a Honda GXV530 engine. Started a job one day and about 15 minutes in it threw a rod and smashed a hole in the side of the crankcase. I needed to get back mowing within a few days and a new engine over here in Australia was going to cost a couple of grand so I bit the bullet and bought a Kubota BX1800 with a 54 inch mid mount mower. It was while researching that purchase that I came across this forum (and TractorByNet). I'm now trying to find some parts to repair the Simplicity so I can get it working again and either keep using it or sell it off.
My other gear is 3 Honda mowers (a self propelled, a catch/mulch pusher and a side discharge pusher) a Deutscher H660 self propelled slasher (beast), a Stihl FS200 brushcutter, a Shindaiwa T270 line trimmer, a Honda line trimmer, a Shindaiwa multi-tool with articulating hedge trimmer and pole saw attachments and an Echo PB-500T blower.
If anyone knows of a good place to buy a replacement GXV530 crankcase, con rod and other parts, please let me know.
Cheers, Andrew




Hello Andrew... welcome to LawnMowerForum! Glad to have you here. Sounds like you've got a lot of nice equipment... too bad about the Simplicity throwing a rod. But I guess that meant getting the BX1800. :thumbsup:

I look forward to reading your posts in the future. Hope you enjoy the community! :biggrin:




Hi Digger Oz ... check your nearest Castel Garden dealer as the Honda Ride-on with this GXV530 motor is out of the Castel Garden stable I think and I would imagine they'd carry or get Honda spares.

Other than that try looking for a good second hand mower with the B&S V16 or 18HP motor it should interchange ... this B&S range I believe is made for B&S by Kawasaki and is a bloody good, pretty bombproof range of engines. Cheerz, Kenwurth:confused2:




No idea how to help since you are in Australia, but welcome and good luck. You should get some good information here and on TBN.
