New John Deere electric zero turn mower

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Active Member
Jul 30, 2017
If they really gave a shit, none of them would fly, and obama for one wouldn't have bought a $50M mansion on Nantucket or Martha's Vinyard (wherever the hell it is - an island either way) if the sea was going to rise and kill us all.
Clearly you don't understand. Global Warming works in mysterious ways. Sea level only rises on far-away, unheard of islands, not Manhattan or Key West... the same people who are falling for the EV scam are probably anxious for their Covid booster too. It's hard to believe that smart people can be this foolish.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2017
Many people are already tired of the government and big corporations cramming electric vehicles down are throats.
1) The infrastructure for charging is not here and would take years and trillions to get up to speed.
2) The electric grid is already outdated and basically maxed out now. Wait until everyone starts plugging in and drawing high amp charges.
3) Battery replacement life and costs are ridiculous.
4) Mining and environmental negative impacts from mining for batteries is devastating to the environment.
5) When you plug in your EV now, what do you think is charging it out of sight and out of mind? A coal fired plant. Hypocrisy.
6) China is supplying many of the necessary elements for battery production. Just think about that one once we are “dependent “ on batteries. Prices will rise and dependence will increase.
7) We like internal combustion engines! They built this world. We like how they sound, smell and operate.
yes, and how do people think that they're going to road tax these new EV's? THEY'RE GOING TO PUT SPYWARE ON YOUR CAR AND CHARGE YOU BY THE MILE. this is all part of the New World Order nightmare. If the Greenies really cared about our environment, they wouldn't be flooding America with tens of millions of third-world people who are all going to come here and start using energy and then build a big home with SUV's in the driveway. They're intentionally destroying OUR COUNTRY to enslave our offspring. The TV Normies are falling for it.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
Gee, i wonder how they will replace the massive amount of road use excise tax revenue lost to EVs as they phase out those evil gasoline powered vehicles?
Let's just charge everyone a mileage tax.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
no, it's totally different. what do you think is going to happen to the price of electricity when every starts recharging their LARGE electric SUVs and lawn tractors? The infrastructure for going electric isn't there! furthermore, oil is NOT a fossil fuel, it's made by the Earth deep in the mantle and is almost as plentiful as water. lastly, there is no "global warming" emergency. All of Al Gore's fear mongering has been proven FALSE. Glacier National Park had a sign telling visitors that The Glacier would be melted by now. It's fine... The mining of lithium is an environmental disaster and how much pollution is caused by building new electric cars and lawn tractors from scratch? EV is a SCAM and everyone is falling for it just like "defunding the post office", "The Hole in the Ozone" and most recently, the Chinese balloon of death. give me a break. SHOOT YOUR TV BRAINWASH BOX!
YEs there is a global warming emergency
Problem is it started to become chronic 30 years ago but all any one was worried about was smog because you could see it so the authorities could not pretend it was not there Where as Co, Co2, Hf, & clorinated hydrocarbons can not be seen
So we changed fuel formulas did a bit of tweaking and it sort of went away.
Back in 1969 I sat in Physics theatre b at the University of NSW and listened to a public lecture from a physists ( climate science was not a stand alone degree back then.
What he said made perfect sense to people who had studied science .
Climate change is not an event, it is the consequence of atmospheric pollution .
Now all through the 70's & 80's Sydney had really bad smog because there was no tax ( or levie if you like ) on what sort of junk you released into the stuff we breathe , the air itself .
So we generated a stand alone Department of Atmospheric Pollution who firstly identified what was going up into the air, ways of removing it and a time table for industry to comply and there were even government subsidies to do it .
Now big business just took the money then closed down & moved to Indonesia , Brazil or anywhere else with lax or no pollution laws because it was more profitable to do so.
The Eu either bought expensive Australian coal because it has no sulphur so does not crate acid rain, or they put wet scrubbers in the chimneys then dumped all of the sulphuric acid in the Pacific ocean ( if no ones sees it then it doesn't exist does it ) .
The lecturer basically said that even small rises in AVERAGE atmospheric temperatures would create much more violent storms with much heavier rainfalls and many of these would be highly localised and this is exactly what I have seen happening since 1969 when I was made aware of it .
Those who don't want to understand how things work deliberately toss in untruths to muddy the waters & confuse people.
Things like today was the coldest Feb 11 on record so the atmosphere can not be getting hotter .
Ignoring things like yesterday a single suburb got over 1' ( yes foot not inches ) of rain in 2 hours .
More intense , more violent & more localised .

The biggest problem is CO2 is only a small part of the overall puzzle but the media has become obsessed with CO2 to the point that many believe it is the ONLY problem so if they buy an E-V , make the house all electric and toss some solar panels on the roof, then everything will go on as before because this is easy to believe and those with a lot of control over everything you see & hear are in a position to profit greatly from it .
Ever growing economies can not continue to happen unless you drop some A bombs on a significant section of the planet so you have somewhere to expand into .
Just the same as you can not solve homelessness by simply shoving 30 extra people into existing houses .
Farmers can not continue to grow larger & larger quantities of food off the same sized farms and the food they are growing is becoming lower grade annually .

The world is a finite size, there is no planet B we can all escape to and the way we are going planet A will be beyond habitation in the very short future .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
NO, that's a scam like, The Hole in The Ozone. Everything that POS, Al Gore said 15 years ago has now been proven WRONG, everything yet somehow people still believe the BS. They change it from "global warming" to "climate change" because this way they'll always be right. FIGURE IT OUT! The EV con is part of The New World Order evil. Here's Scotty telling the truth about these EV P'sos.
Well as Simon & Garfunkle sang
"A man hears what he want's to hear & disregards the rest "

The hole in the Ozone layer is very real.
If you don't believe this then come down here and spend an hour on the beach in your swim shorts without any sunscreen on.
Around the equator the effect is negligible
Down here it is very apparent
I can not count how many fashion models I have taken to Bondi beach ( because it was on Bay Watch ) the in the afternoon back to the hotel and a few hours latter to A & E for chronic sunburn & they spend the next 2 weeks on opioids for the pain and they all keep on saying "I spend all day at the beach in Cal and I never burn "

Very easy to find an echo chamber for your own disbeliefs but that does not make any of it true.
Thirty million Chinese all believed that the potion the gods told the sharman to make would make them impervios to bullets from the English rifles.
All 30,000,000 of them were wrong


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
"This book presents the information needed to understand why the ozone depletion catastrophe theory is a hoax. The evidence includes how ozone scientist Gordon Dobson discovered the Antarctic ozone hole in 1956, before CFCs were widely used, & showed that it was a natural annual phenomenon;"
As I said before
"A man hears what he wants to hear & disregards the rest "
The antartic Ozone hole is both seasonal & orbital
So it changes annually and according to which wobble the planets orbit is on at the time
So yes it is a natural phenonomen .
However it used to close completely & only open up a small amount.
Then it started to open up a lot larger & stay open rather than close completely
And this got bigger over time , although like most natural cycles some years were bigger than others .
In science we ( yes I have a bachelors degree in applied science + 4 post graduate diplomas ) alway show complete plots of the data with error bars so when viewed the viewer can see how much certaincy there is in the results .
However various viewers who republish the data skew the graphs to favour their particular standpoint .
And this goes both ways .
Extrapolating data into the future is fraught with dangers because you can not know all of the unknowns .
Science is not a religion, it does not demand blind faith , total obidence and disallow any sort of contradictions.
Good science OTOH is based on the inability of others to prove the current theorys wrong and when they are proved wrong then the new theory is right, till some one else proves it wrong so we will always have the best description of the planet that current technology allows .
When I was at uni , there was noting smaller than electrons , now we know there are quarks, quavers , Higgs Bozons and just found anti matter . Gravitational waves was a joke but it is now known to be true .
Up until the 80's there was no "climate science " so a lot of what was published was not as sound as it could be and based on data measured in non standardized mannars so EU , US, Aus data could not be compiled because of the different ways it was measured .
And it should be no surprise that when a lot of people start to study the same thing very intensely they will find out a lot of stuff that has been missed over the decades when climate science was basically restricted to doing nothing much more than predicting the weather .
It is very obvious that you have a totally closed mind so it is pointless of me to try & argue a point with you.
It was no surprise that you hero worship people who scream at you on videos .
And FWIW I was a foundry metallurgist so I know just what sorts of horrid chemical the metals industry has pumped into the atmosphere for decades and now they have reached concentrations that are creating problems.
There was virtually no photochemical smog till the housing boom of the 60's pushed people out into the fringes of the city where there was little public transport so everyone drove their cars.
So we "fixed" this problem by tightening exhaust emissions & fitting after burners on the exhaust , which was a cheap fix of the symptoms & not the actual problem, dependance upon cars and now yet another chap fix of another symptom E-V's is being rammed through when it is not the actual cause of the problem but thet is cheaper & easier to sell than putting in rail .
Property developers were allowed to build whole suburbs that revolved around car use because it was cheap and allowed more people to achieve their "dreams" and own a home , even if it killed them & their kids a few decades down the road .
BAck when I was an undergraduate Iused to profile furnaces in Sydney for 25% oxygen, this is due to the fact that we are a big island with a lot of bushland & a healthy Pacific Ocean at out door step.
By the time I graduated ( 8 years latter ) I was profiling burners for 21% oxygen . By the time I left industry we were profiling for 19% oxygen .
Back in my campus days, advances in medical research had me believeing that my generation might be either the first to live almost forever or the last to die of old age but now I see a planet that very well could be largely uninhabital in a very short amount of time geologically speaking .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And one research tool I was taught was to have a close look at the person presenting the contradictory point of view and in particular where the research money is coming from and what the persons motives may be
Then you look at the actual evidence followed by the arguement .
Remember all of the "scientists " who wrote papers & published book argueing that smoking cigarettes was beneficial to everyones health
Now I have tried to order Mr Rogelio Maduro's book but the sale is not going through but if I can find a copy then I will buy it.
He is supposed to be a professor but I can not find any papers other than denialism papers that are fairly current, his thesis should be on public record but I can't find it . That does not mean it is not there it could be on a closed server for paid up subscribers .
I do this because an open mind will asses the arguements from both sides before it comes to a conclusion
However I do see the Mr Maduro has made a career out of of denialism , has at least 5 books along the same lines ( all of which you have to pay for & none appear to be in public libraries apart from Congress library and seems to do a large number of paid for speaking presentations .
As for his arguement about the Ozone hole, with a 5 year lag, the average reduction has largely followed the calculated path and is in concurrenance with the reduction of CFC's

And in case you failed to notice I am not in favour of mass use of Ev's, well actually EV's are fine , Li batteries are not fine .
Conspiracies are easy"find" because you don't need to prove then unless you are in front of a judge and Joe Public likes to see themselves as battleing against the authorities so never look hard at any conspiracy theory.

The actual problem is unregulated capitalism that plays to one of the lesser human traits , unceasing greed .
So the real criminals are the back room funds managers chasing ever increasing returns without the slightest though of the potential consequences .
And this will never change short of a violent & bloody revolution because the unbelievably rich wealthy are the ones who write the laws and pull the strings of their political puppets for their own personnal advantage .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And my final word , remember what I said by "follow the money"

What very few schools teach is how to research and even fewer how to think objectively.
Most just cram the students heads full of answers to the exam questions then the pupils come out thinking they have been educated .
I had done 1 full time year & one part time year before I actually learned how to search out relevant facts and to fully appreciate the difference between a primary source , a secondary source & those just compiling other peoples work .
A paper with anything lower order than a secondary source in the biblography got an instant fail .
Now days most arguements are bases on the report of a report of a report of a report of a report, posted on twitter then reposted 10,000 time on face book till a total falicy is considered to be true.

When you are dealing with complex things like pollution you have to back to the primary source or you are deluding yoursels by regurgitating your own echo chamber .

Remember just because the road is wet that does not mean it has been raining and because the road is wet over here that does not mean it will also be wet elsewhere .
On top of that every ones personal definition of wet is different .

I have just gone through 4 floods in 18 months , that has never happend to this river before and but for a change in wind direction i would have been 6 floods in 18 months .
Europe has had their worst floods ever recorded while in the middle of a heat wave .
Pakistan had no monsoonal rain for 2 years ( never happened before ) followed by the largest flood in their recorded history .
The Colorado river has had the least amount of inflows this year and that eclipsed to low rates for last year.
The Hoover dam is nearly dry . Arizona is still in drought , the longest in their history and people think climate change is a hoax.
Well from the balcony of you Miami penthouse you might think that but not if it iis you that is shooting all your livestock or got burned out by wildfires in the middle of winter


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Active Member
Jul 12, 2019
Perhaps someone should start a thread on what are peoples thoughts about the new JD Ev ride on mowers.