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Never assume things troubleshooting




A guy calls me a couple days ago and asks if i can come look at his 1954 Ford 901 tractor. He had a tractor dealer send out a guy to do a full tuneup on the tractor. He said the guy has worked on it for 3 days trying to get the ignition to work. No spark after new plugs, wires, cap and rotor, points and ignition coil. I went over to look at it. Turns out the guy installed a 3 ohm ignition coil on a 6 volt tractor. A 6 volt system takes a 1.5 ohm coil. He said that was the coil the computer said it took so he never thought to check that the new coil was the problem. Just goes to show when troubleshooting never assume something works, check and test.




Yep, just cause a 'Puter says it is, doesn't mean it is.
