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Need help with locations of two small extension springs on Murray 425014x92B



wilburn cox

Need help with location of 1 samll extension spring on Murray Model 425014x92B

Several of you on the Murray Forum have been a great help to me and I appreciate the input. I was changing the motion drive belt on the mower yesterday (Saturday) and a small spring fell out from somewhere around the transaxel or its components above and to the left. Owners manual (page 41 Key #36) shows the transaxle to be a DANA. The spring is 4 and 1/16" long from curled end to curled end. In the owner manual page 40 seems to show the long end of this spring attaching to the transaxle bracket and the short end attaching to the to the small lever on the brake where spring (key #56 Part # 165x115) attaches. I apologize for the confusion in my original post and hope this clears it up. I have no idea what purpose this small spring has and not really sure where to attach it.
I am lost on this and need to get the mower running. Any assistance will be GREATLY appreciated. As always I appreciate the help and hope all have a great day.
Wilburn "Red" Cox; Stephenville Texas
