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Murray Bagger




I recently inherited a Murray 38" rider from family. Never had a bagger so I looked for one to purchase. Walmart was selling an OEM Murray/MTD bagger and it appeared that was the one I needed. Everything on the back fit just fine (except I couldn't get the trailer hole to line up with the ones on the bracket, it seemed to hold up just fine without it). My problem was at the deck. The chute to connect to the deck has a much smaller opening than the opening on the deck. I was told the deck was original though, not replaced. I tried calling every place I could think of and just got sent in circles. Any idea if I'm missing something here? Thanks in advance.




Murray and MTD are totally two different companies and very, very few parts would be interchangeable. You will have to use your McGuyver skills to make a MTD bagger work on a Murray tractor. You will also have to try and get high lift blades to get the clippings in the bags.
