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mower cut pattern




normally i only use 2/3rds or 3/4th of the width of the mower deck. rarely do i take.. "an exact full width cut"..(am i the only one who does this?)i just don't want to leave ANY blades uncut. So therefore i'm taking 'several passes' at 3/4 widths and really the only 'full pass' is the first pass when i start cutting..Now here's the good part, if i take 'as many'... 'exact full cuts'... as possible,and LEAVING every other row a... 'narrower or 3/4 width path'.. i should be able to 'increase' the amount of 'full width cuts' and 'decrease' the amount of narrower paths,so when i come back over and "takeout" the fewer narrow paths there won't BE as many,my lawncutting time should be quicker and i might even save on the gas:laughing::confused2: picture in your mind a lawn with a mohawk haircut, and then taking out the narrow paths.that's the best i can say this,i think this year i'm going to 'time' it and see if there is a savings, i actually did this twice late last year as a trial and it seemed to be quicker... hey its just an idea out of the ordinary:laughing::laughing:




If you can do that on the fly... you have a much better eye than I have... :laughing:

Any time that I have tried anything like that with my 7 foot finish mower, I always was off, either leaving too little or too much spacing...
I think the real solution would be to use a foam marking strip ... OR GPS guidance system on your mower... :smile:KennyV




If you can do that on the fly... you have a much better eye than I have... :laughing:

Any time that I have tried anything like that with my 7 foot finish mower, I always was off, either leaving too little or too much spacing...
I think the real solution would be to use a foam marking strip ... OR GPS guidance system on your mower... :smile:KennyV

the two times i cut that way last year(trial) i was only off by a couple inches or so but i'm talking smaller city lots :biggrin:




With your type accuracy you should save some mowing time... for me it would require more concentration than I want to devote to mowing... I'm mowing to relax, so the more time I can spend doing it the happier I am... Hey with my bad placement I could lengthen my mowing time... I may have to rethink this and give it a try...:biggrin:

I'm tempted to mow now... just have nothing growing yet... but I am sure looking forward to getting the snow gear off my tractor... but there is a chance of snow coming next wk.. Oh well it will be growing soon... :smile:KennyV




Re: can't find the pattern

I guess you caught me. I mow to offen.

The couple things that help, is mow when theirs due on the ground. Mow when the suns up. When the suns up and you can blearily see the previous cut. Lately I've been counting fence posts. Watching the house across the street, I'm up to the front door now. Just drive around, cutting the high weeds, there's one.

Life is good,
