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How short is too short




I never like to cut my grass to short because I am worried it will die or turn that yellow color. I know a lot of people who cut it supper short so they have to do it less often. Is there a time when short is too short?




When it gets HOT you want to keep it longer... it also slows down in growth in very hot weather...
If you water frequently you can cut shorter, but short will stress the plants more than long... A LOT depends on the type of grass that you are cutting... :smile:KennyV




The general rule of thumb I go by is one inch. If it gets or stays too short, the roots have to work extra hard and that makes for unhealthy grass blades.





One inch is about right. But since I like my lawn to look healthy, I go a bit over that. My grass stays a bit thicker than most.




This explains a lot. I have always cut my grass as short as possible on the premise that I would have to cut it less often. Of course then I am unhappy with how unhealthy my grass looks! Now that I know why I can fix this problem.




I never like to cut my grass to short because I am worried it will die or turn that yellow color. I know a lot of people who cut it supper short so they have to do it less often. Is there a time when short is too short?

Length of cut is determined by the type of grass you're cutting, St. Augustine, Bahia, Bermuda all have different cutting length recommendations but none would be under about 2 1/2 to 3 inches with the exception of Bermuda grass on an athletic field.




I've seen many people cut their lawns too short and especially in the hot weather it starts to burn the grass off so you get unsightly brown patches on your lawn. Mowing your lawn should be enjoyable so get out there as often as possible :biggrin:
