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Hello From East Tennessee




Hi all.. new to the forum. Just purchased a Ferris IS700Z for my cousin's lawn business. I own an orange Ferris (Simplicity) Cobalt 32 HP 61" deck. It's just over two years old with 52 hours. Been a great mower so far! Thanks for having great, informative forums. I look forward to visiting often.




Welcome, you do any mowing yet this year ? I have mowed once (so far) just to make lawn look smooth.




Thanks for the welcome. I did mow this past weekend. I purchased the house about a 1.5 years ago and mow about 2.5 acres on a 4 acre lot. I have to get a handle on a mixture of broad leaf weeds and some weedy grasses. My goal is to get my Bermuda to spread. Right now it's mainly in the front yard, but the further away from the house, the less Bermuda there is. I have a 25 gal. pull-behind sprayer that I used 10 days ago, and some of the weeds are starting to die off. It's going to be a challenge to get my yard looking good due to shear size, and the amounts of odd grasses growing everywhere. I certainly need help trying to identify and eliminate these unwanted grasses. I'm hoping the rain will slack down a bit, so I can work in the yard this weekend.




Its turning to winter again here in north Alabama this weekend. I hope you can do some outside work but I don't think you will living in east Tennessee. :frown:




I agree might be a bit cold for yardwork, time will tell.. Friend across the hollow has Bermuda in back, he he loves it, but he is a slave to it. He killed off his entire front yard last year & planted Bermuda, but what came up was everything BUT bermuda. He says he got his seed from our local Co-OP.

Me, I prefer Tall Fescue.
