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Haunted House




I want to decorate my yard like a haunted house with people hanging out of the trees, like someone falling off a ladder, falling out of my trees, etc, I saw it on tv and I am wondering how to do it?




How to Turn Your Yard Into a Cemetery

This looks interesting, not quite what you are looking for but definitely a place to start. Let us know how it turns out when you get it done, my kids would love it.




I did this once for Halloween for my kids. It was easy and quite cool. Are you doing this for a holiday ? or are you planning to keep it up permanently ?




Just use your imagination. It sounds like a great adventure and it will be fun for you and your family and the people who come near the house. I love it. I would love to see pics when you are done.




I want to do it for Halloween this season, I am having a Halloween party this season and I really want to decorate the house right up for it.




This is really going all out, eh? I think you'd have to use transparent nylon threads to hang those "falling" people. From a distance you won't see these threads. You'd create the visual effect of "falling" people in mid-air.




What a great idea. This site has more information on making figures, adding sound effects (that would be essential in my book) and a very nice trick with a two way mirror. I know that is more for inside but it looks fun so I had to mention it.




Boy, you are really going all out for this aren't you? I bet you have lights all over the outside of your house at Christmas time and a sleigh on the roof. I wish my husband was into it as much as I would love to do it with ours.:thumbsup:




Oh yea, I am very into it, always have been, my husband knows better than to question it, he just lets me do my own thing and usually helps too~!




My friend used to do this kind of thing every year for October. One year they had a guy rising out of a coffin. That was really cool. They also put up fake tombstones and bats etc hanging from the trees.

To make sure you couldn't see the material that was securing the hanging things to the trees they used fishing wire. That would make the items sway in the breeze however. Piano wire is very thin too, and is more stable, so the objects wouldn't get tossed in the wind so much.

Sounds like fun!:laughing:
