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gt 245 prob -edit




Re: gt 245 kawasaki prob

Im having trouble with my jd mower- when i shut it off, it will not restart----pulled air filter and found about 1/8 inch of fuel and engine oil laying underneath it-[ right in front of the butterflys]- soaked it up with a paper towel, left it set about 20 min and it started right up-----has new sparkplugs, air filter, fuel filter------did this a couple times last summer also-20 hp twin cyl Kawasaki, has 600 hrs on it, bought in 2003 .Carb is factory and book says no adj there-------any ideas on where i need to be looking would be appreciated. -there is a clear vent tube coming off carb- tried to blow through it [mouth] couldnt do it---tipped it up and filled with carb cleaner, let it sit overnight and tube still full today------shouldn't i be able to blow through it an shouldnt fluid drain down? thanks guys-bear with me- i'm learning
