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Gravely ZT HD 52 blows fuse after engaging PTO, ONLY after its been mowing for awhile




I'm stumped and need some guidance please. My mower seems to only blow the in-line fuse when I go to engage the PTO when it's hot. First start of the day, I can start my mower and engage the PTO right away and run it all day with no problems as long as I do not disengage the PTO and try and restart the PTO again while it's now been running for enough time to get hot, if so, It will blow fuse then, and have to wait until mower is completely cooled down to engage the PTO again and mow. I've already replaced the PTO switch and relay with no luck/difference. Battery connections have been/are clean, no chafing in wires that I can see throughout. Could it be the fuse holder, clutch (even though I feel this would very rarely fail), solenoid, or something else?

Thanks in advance!




You could have a faulty clutch
Try popping in a bigger fuse
and take a current draw ( amps ) reading on the clutch wires cold then do the same when hot
If it is substantially higher when hot there is probably an internal short in the clutch that only makes contact when hot & expanded.




Thanks bertsmobile1. I will try that today. I initially tested the clutch wires cold and it was around 3.5 amps. I haven't done the test when hot yet. Thanks again.
