Gravely ZT HD 48 vs. Ferris 400S


Forum Newbie
Jun 18, 2018
To go completely overboard on the mowing of my 1.25 acres, I have boiled down my choices to between a Gravely ZT HD 48 w/23 hp Kawasaki FR691, at $4639 vs. Ferris 400S w/21.5hp Kawasaki FR651, at $4299. Both are 48" 3 blade fabricated decks. The Gravely is $1056 off MSRP, the Ferris is $700 off MSRP.

I like the suspension on the Ferris over no suspension on the Gravely as I have some back and shoulder issues.
I was able to control the Ferris a little better, but honestly can't explain why. It just felt more controllable to a new ZT user. Maybe it's a bit slower or the controls are a bit less "touchy".
Gravely seems a bit more ruggedly built with box frame vs. channel, larger front tires, better floor plate and access.
Gravely has a center anti-scalp wheel, the Ferris doesn't, but this may be because of how the deck works with the Ferris suspension.
Both have pretty robust spindles w/grease fittings.
I think the Ferris has ZT2800's vs ZT3100's on the Gravely.

Gravely has higher hp rated engine, but if you look at Kawasaki's FR engine specs, (insert the usual http stuff),41,43,42,39 , it's really difficult to come to any other conclusion but that the 651 is a detuned 691/730. Same bore, stroke, displacement, comp ratio, etc. Maybe different cams, carbs, or ???. Anybody know how Kawasaki rates these engines?

Beyond all that, any comments on the two good or bad would be welcomed. They both seem like great mowers. I'm just a little stuck pulling the trigger. Thanks!
I am glad that you got what you wanted. I have a 2012 Ferris 3100Z and I love it! It has a little over 1000 hours on it with very few problems. Just got it out of the shop replacing blades, a wiring harness, deck belt and a bushing for $700 and it is ready to go for another few hundred hours. I have a small orchard and the areas that I mow are very rough (Tennessee rocks and hills) but the suspension of the Ferris makes it so much easier on the back.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
While some ZRT's will go 12 MPH doesn't mean you should mow at that speed. Mowing rough ground it's nice to have a smooth ride but don't forget you are hammering your mower to death. Kind of like driving your car fast on a dirt road with potholes. Manufacturers are big on their posted speeds and in my opinion they are playing into peoples childish ego, "mine is faster than yours". LOL

Forum Newbie
Apr 15, 2018
I am glad that you got what you wanted. I have a 2012 Ferris 3100Z and I love it! It has a little over 1000 hours on it with very few problems. Just got it out of the shop replacing blades, a wiring harness, deck belt and a bushing for $700 and it is ready to go for another few hundred hours. I have a small orchard and the areas that I mow are very rough (Tennessee rocks and hills) but the suspension of the Ferris makes it so much easier on the back.

Good luck!